The Daily Item from Lynn, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Daily Itemi

Lynn, Massachusetts

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PAGE TWBffY ONE Rodney Reel Says ss 21 0 ss vam? 0 are plenty of them out The scholarships and grants a SSr xevaiieu uiai jrewr'y week ago the council had called 4 5sKSSA DONALD A BAGLEY Neiv Arrivals 311 MOVED TO NCW SPACIOUS LOCATION jing twenties were one of MHoyAb0' 0 4 OLD Mr BOSTON Hawkeye for Iowa was1 coinedu Two base A ni Haros VODKA Maselbas 2 GOODYEAR mufflers tailpipes shock absorbers REE INSTALLATION goobVeab (CONTINUED ROM PAGE ONE) RONE STATE LY 8 4500 Ja 4aA 3 NO RED TAPE DELAY BUY TODAY 6 1 1 NAMBX STREET SERVICE STORE Won 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 21 far Cb) Ran for Mel yes ULLY EQUIPPED Jane Baldasare will attempt to I swim the English Channel under water A holder of i records for this form of pad dling the 25 year old Astoria NY housewife will use self contained breathing gear () 3 1k 1 1i 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 7 0 6 amateur boatsmen tried to stay in Lynn for a week but by riday I got up with melting so we took for Angle Pond II It a family 2b Carlin cf Pannes lb Gibtiey lb Jarvis If Witham If Lavoie rf (a) Sullivan Barrasso rf Arena ss (b) Nickelau Rouleau Clancy 3b Comeau Totals DAILY EVENING ITEM LYNN MASS THURSDAY JULY 21 I960 necessity will naturally appear to take more effective measures both along United Nations lines land the lines of the peace loving ii States that sympathize with the Congo WITHDRAWAL TROOPS I' Kuznetsov recalled that hit 7 Wiswall 0 ab 2 Maselbas Ellis 2b Boyden cf Salerno 3b Cocotas 3b Denenenberg Hinch 2b Marino rf Williamsons If itzherbert lb Hoe io Champion rf Green rf Totals Innings Sullivan Club Swampscott tion to setting a deadline for the Belgian troop withdrawal called on all members re spect the territorial ihtegrity of the Congo and not to un dertake any actions that could violate this integrity'' AGREEMENT NEAR The Ceylonese Tunisian draft asksUTN members refrain from any interference in the ter ntorial integrity" of the Congo Belgian oreign Mihister Pierre Wigny and Congolese Delegate Thomas Kanza speak ing to the council appeared close together on how soon the Belgi an troops should leave Wigny said Belgium was ready pull them out soon as the United Nations tell us that peace and tranquility are Kanza asked that they leave "as soon as possible 1 don't say im mediately" awarded the Medical Staff Schol arship Miss Mary Agnes Nicol of 12 Marietta Avenue Braintree a graduate of Braintree High School was awarded a Women's Auxiliary Scholarship of $400 A class of 65 students the largest lhe history the school will register on Tuesday Sept 6 for the three year nurs ing course leading to a diploma Hanlvc Mauro 2b Emond Twomey 3b Cavanagh lb Perry ss Abernathy If O'Connor If Bruhm Wlodkowski 1 i Totals 3 0 0 2 Enjoy These Other Old Mr Boston avorites! 'T Bates Opposes Cut On imports In a wire to Secretary of the Interior red A Seaton in Wash ington Congressman William Bates (R 1 of Salem expressed his deep "concern with the con tinuing sharp restrictions on re sidual bib imports and their ef fect on Consumers and industry in the New England atea" Bates asked that his sharp! objections be recorded A group of New England bus iness men are meeting today with Secretary Eaton on the oil issue ord ClrewpMl OAr ihu aroportiopftly ta pUI TwooTAKE MONTHSTO AYl It A MRKT MUIM MAR TOOT OR OICIAL It LUXE AUIOII A real book with gold embossed hard cover 160 pages 753 tested recipes party tricks correct glassware etc Now only 60 by mail Mr BOSTON DISTILLER In DpL 110 IfaMKhVMtta AtobM Bolton Mm i ebwk (Ur I I Pl Mad Scholarships' arid grants total ing XbJOO have been awarded to 13 students entering the Lynn Hospital School of Nursing in September it was announced today by Miss Verne McGil PROBE BLAST EL PASO Tex rag mentsof a butane storage tank lounu in Juarez Mex have tailed to shed any light on the cause of a July 4th explosion in El Paso The tank exploded at the Schwartz Gas Company Inc sending the fragments flying: across the Rio Grande into Jau rez and killing two workers at the plant 1 El Paso 'ire Marshal said officials have been unable to find any cause for the blast winner fashioned a six birdiei practice round Wednesday He was forced to use a wood for his second shot on 10 of the 18 holes due to the extreme length The odds fellows are saying the top dozen not necessarily in this order at the finish will be Palmer insterwald Julius Boros Mike Souchak Tommy Bolt Ben Hogan Ken Venturi Gene Littler Jerry Barber Sam Snead Jack leck and Doug ord or make will come up after he sounds or how much a hooked fish will weigh and how Jong it will take to boat it You see there is more to deep sea fishing than fish Just be careful what skipper takes you It is fun but no place tor I full fed off seems that have camp there Like here the days are hot but when it comes night the air cools off qtiiet sets in and a nighfs sleep is possible Anyone who thinks he can have an afternoon nap at a pond that 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 motor was coming right in one door and out the other or if he show up the wild eyed skier Tie was towing would be apt to We a pot of coffee on the stove just in case You might thinkthe roar GOODYEAR 278 Washington SL 1 3 0 0 0 oL 0 JS! Iw po 28 2 0 3 2 0 Winsome littleMisonSoucy one year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Norman Soucy of 23 Walden Street welcomes Greater newest arrivals at local greet togs go to: A son born to Mr and Ronald Kohr of Hotel Break ers at Lynn Hospital on Wednesday A son to Mr and Mrs Edgar Thibodeau of 8 Summer Street Place at Lynn Hospi tal Wednesday A son to Mr and Elliot Everitt of Dev ereux Street Marblehead at Union Hospital Wednesday A son to Mr and Mrs Gerald Comeau of 9 Bul finch Street at Union Hospi tal Wednesday' 1 A son to Mr andMrs Daniel Shaw of 69 Essgx Street at Union Hospital on Wednesday A son to Mi and Mrs Vincent Sweetland of 7 Mystic Avenue at Union Hos pital Wednesday A son to Mr and Mis Charles zT Angelakis of 139 Lynnfield Street Peabody at Union Hospital today A daughter to Mr and Mrs Paul Gifford of 15 Street Marblehead at Mary A Alley Hospital today A daughter to Mr and Mrs Donald Akerley of 11 Henry Street saugus bom in rose Wakefield Hospital down trees the ball game is on in a dozen cottages and a loud speaker is trying to drown out everything else with a Polish Polka 1 Alxyve the din I heard a wom an say to her husband what a lovely place for a vacation! When things quiet down about two in the morning one can sleep until the first screen door slams i in the morning and the Lord help the fellow who had too good an evening This is a wonderful country We do have fun SpeUotis 3b Callahan cf McGuire 2b seuios ii Harkins Nutting rf Bryant Totals Batted Innings Paragons Peabody Two base hit Jarvis Carlin Pannes Base on off McGuire 3 Harkins 1 Rouleau 2 Struck out by McGuire 1 Rouleau 7 13 Among Lynn Hospital Entering Class Received Various Awards Graham Greets AlhStar Squad CHICAGO fjrt Head Coach Otto Graham today will greet 44 top collegiate football players with the assignment of beating the Baltimore Colts The squad all graduates will open drills riday at Northwestern University with the alm of victory over the National ootball League champions in the 27th annual AlLStar Game to Soldier ield Aug 12 A AQUA SHOP Bridge Straat Satan Mass PI 4 8813 Headers Nip Leaders In Extra Inning The best game of the season "took place the Marblehead: 5 YMCA softball league last 'night when the Headers nosed: has cottages and camps on it is out me ieigu: raiu ivicrazv i aiK anour ine Jet Age la 19 lur i i i rvve nau io wave txnn Patils tied the score in the! door and back doofbpened all bottom mir or tne seventn onaay i never Knew wnen some Bill grand slam: screw ball with a ten foot boat homer Headers came back and a 60 horse powered outboard in the extra inning with two runs while the TV club collected one run Ben Gatchell was thewinning pitcher Norris Ball the loser No other games were played this week Shubes and Maddies won on a forfeit when te Ad Congo (CONTINUED ROM PAGE ONE) 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 07 Already second largest selling vodka and no wonder! Every drop is 'j smooth clear and desert dry perfect any way youmix it Yes quality as fine or finer than any other vodka Enjoy this out standing vodka today! 80 and 100 Proof 7 a i 4 0 3 2 3 31 PEABODY (4) ab i i i i 2 in 6th OXJ LI LI VVulU Ol Ul L4H 1111 Dow insterwald the 19o8 awaided a winner fashioned a six birdie Chemin Scholar: Miss CynthiaMarie Ellison of 16 Sandersop Avenue a graduate of Lynn English High School Miss Brenda Johnson of '22 NowtliRoad Melrose a graduate of Melrose High School was awarded a Lynn Hospital School of Nursing AJumnae Scholarship M'ss Arlene Rosalyn Klapman of 52 Broad Street a graduate ot Lynn Classical High School Miss Mary Patricia Joyce of 3 Moulton Street a graduate of St Mary's High School and National Honor Society mem ber Miss Gloria Helen Robinson pf 1 Madison Street a graduate of Lynn English High School was awa'ded a lorence Du Scholarship Miss Judith Apne White of 325 Chatham Street a graduate of Lynn English High School awarded a Lyrin Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scbclarshib Miss Paula Ann Boutin of 99 High Street Salisbury a gradu ate of Amesbury High School ana National Honor Society Lost 2 2 3 5 6 WEEK 2 5 I 1 standings ate 'ajto at height of the va siancungs arc cpncnn fhorhildrm Cmuv pct thev always) are splashing and750 hollering the outboards arei roaring some guy is putting anaddition to his camp A another143 has a motor run saw cutting 3 3 3 31 Lavoie Arena in 6th 1 2 3 4 5 9 12 1 2 OOOO Three base Stolen bases O'Brien for the withdrawal of Belgian troops from the Congo when it authorized Hammarskjold to Slbena iric lorcc xjul igian troops are arriving sim Itunenuslv" With the IT troops he said and "Belgian biplanes with rocket weapons" are being sent Paragons In 10 4 Victory At Peabody I Paragons led by Larry I O'Brien and Bobby last night pounded out 10 hits to down the Peabody nscoes 4 in a North Shore Semi Pro League game at Peabody The win left the Paragons who have lost five games this season by one run margins in third place behind Lynn Local 1435 and Gloucester who had a stinging double and two singles figured in most of rthe scoring as the Paragons took a 5 2 lead at the end of four innings Peabody had taken a short lived 2 1 lead with a pair of tallies in the bot tom of the first Lynn added a run in the sixth and Peabody picked up two in the same frame CLANCY SPARKLES BiJi Clancy took defensive hon ors turning 4n a pair of defens ive gems tor help keep the Tan ners in check Beverly with five straight wins will meet the Paragons at Barry Park on riday night with Jack Leonard on the hill for Lynn and Ed Murphy doing the mound chores for the visitors The box score: PARAGONS ab 4 4 4 0 2 2 2 HTcniber was awarded aWomen Auxiliary Scholarship of $200 OLss Violet Lee' Pinkerton of Ouer Park Street Dover ox 1 croft Me a oxcroft Academy! graduate was awarded the Anes i tfifesja Department Scholarship Miss lorence Ann Stroplw of 21 Lincoln Avenue Gloucester a1 graduate of Gloucester Uigh School was awarded a Auxiliary Scholarship of $200 Kenneth George White of 279 Maple Street who attended Eng lish High School and Newman Prep School was awarded tlie Ted Schcft Scholarship 7 Donald Arthur Bagley of 7 Henry Avenue a graduate of Lynn Classical High School wasi Tuna Running In Massachusetts Bay To Provide Anglers Lots Of Sport By JOE LAY It seems that the State of Maine fishermen are seeing more striped bass this year than they have for 'many years They have nothing on Massachusetts as it! 9 has been that way here and no doubt we will be hearing irom Nova scotia as tne oass are bound to cruise tnat far Another pleasing story comes out of Maine They are finding bluefish in their waters This is something unusual as the blues supposed to travel beyond the "Cape All these fish that come up from the Southern waterp have to go by our door so according to the stories one gets from the fishermen' blues are being caught in "some secret spots off our shores Is that nice not telling a fellow fisherman? Just about every saltwater fisherman has heard about the big tuna that is in setts Bay You fellows who would like to see the show that goes on daily on Stellwagon Banks would do well to group up and charter a boat and take a ride ou If you are hanging around waiting tor a horse or dog to make you rich while you are on vacation invest a little on some salt water air If you are aboard a boat that hooks tuna you will get more excitement than any jughead horse or galloping frankfort ever gave you You come home rich hut vnn will have a whale of a time there there Striped Bass Now Edging Up Into Maine Waters BANK INANCING AVAILABLE CrtifidYMCA Traiatrof Over SOO NI Diver Lt Tralaad Itparltiicad Prefeiiional Take Yee I Octao PHONE ORDERS SENT COD Sullivan Club Wins 10 3 At Swampscott Jim Emond fired a three hitter and fanned eight as the Ray Sul livan Club whipped the Swamp scott Babe Ruth League All Stars 10 3 Wednesday at Phil lips Park Swampscott Emond avenged a 3 2 defeat which he experienced at the hands ot the Swampscott Ruthers two weeks ago The Sullivans broke the game open with a four run spurt in the fourth on three walks singles by joe snvonic 10m riagg ana Lmona and a two oase Knocx oy I 14 I vichv an BothSilvomc and Wiswall each collected three hits and catcher Pete Hanly extended his consecu tive game hitting streak to seven The Sullivan Club leaves Sun day morning for Provincetown where they will play the Recrea tion ommission Aii stars The box score SULLIVAN CLUB (10) po 0 Anthony 2b 4 Ellis lb 3 3 lag rf I Nevertheless It is a gdod pl ace I Benedetto If BiDeiDK sent I Kuznetsov also charged that western powers are oemna rl the declared secession of wealthy i Katanga Province from the Con i go because they want to hold economically rich areas of the former Belgian resolution in addi Tab Palmer As avorite AKRON Ohio palling this 42nd PGA champion ship an Arnold Palmer benefit And the big belter from Ligon ier Pa has all the weapons to make the forecast come true in the 72 hole medal play test launched today over irestone Country awesome acres But the big money win ner Masters and Open champion faces a potent par and a fast field as he goes after his seventh tournament conquest of the year Old man is not to be fooled with since architect Robert Trent Jones revamped the course for the benefit of the play for pay Contingent The bestpre tourney guess was that 24 or zo against a par ot would grab the $9000 plus top prize 1 Siege gun hitters firing with precision of Sgt Alvin York owere conceded the best chance oi The fairways narrow I enough to force a single file pro cession but they are unusually slim and are dotted with drive snaring traps and bordered by heavy rough and dank 'woods The greens are some could require 100 foot and they are guarded by ponds streams or yawning bunkers slightly smaller than the Sahara 625 YARD HOLE The dozen par four holes aver age 431 yards seven being 450 or longer The four par threes aver age 216 and the two ppr fives 526 vards one stretching a pro digious 625 with a beckoning vreay director of the school of pond stretched across the frontinursmg and nursing service nr ine errnpn Hanarn 1 1 ir 1 a nrnc funirn ihnt irrlt'nl mvm nUrl 4 Ua KJL14LA 14J 'IHV vc 4 fr i nv" IU ait UVtaiUVU UH UJU Mdftlnjgig: is putting will win" Of scholastic achievement as welllW' nut one long nmer saia auer as neea nave oeen given to: practice round in a Miss Janice Margaret Domey 20 mile wind big questionrOf 3 jr Boston Street: graduate today was getting to the green of Jean BaptisteHigh School so you could start putting class valedictorian was fence Du Ellis 3 Dennentoerg 2 Marino Malloy Silvoruc lArg Wiswall Perry O'Connor Double play Mal 5 Base on I America 9s second largest seller" a pastime and' so you vet onesome vou ronin book on where the whale Libs failed to show and thejthese ponds has it beat a mile silvonie ef scnenuieii game iieiwtrii mmwii Vln'trtr and rained out The league follpws: TV Headers Macomber's Electric 4 Shubes and Maddies 2 Ad Lib 1 GAMES NEXT Mnndav Shubes and Maddies vs Headers Tuesday Paul's TV vs Ad Lib Wednesday Shubes and Maddies vs Macomber's Electric Largest Retail Skin Diving Section In New England learn la divs w(Hi en expert ree lestoni wttti each purthau e( full outfit I Temperatures exceeded 100 in many of the fire areas Gusts and whirlwinds hampered fire fighters Washington National Guard units were called out Near Lewiston Idaho fire burned 1000 acres of wheat In the Wallowa Whitman Na tional orest of Oregon more than 100 fires blazed all than 150 acres MADISON Wis never seen so many mos quitoes and an up state observer Tor the ederal State Crop Reporting Service wrote mosquito had three woodticks on 9 a 9f a RRmw a 9 9 aaaasHmM aaa 'xvaaNNaaaNHaa SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED 13 INCOMING STUDENTS AT LYNN HOSPITAL SCHOOL Among the 1 3 students entering Lynn Hospital School of Nursing in September who havebeen awarded a total of $5200 in scholar ships and grants are: Top row left to right Miss Janice Domey of 341 Boston Street Miss Cynthia Ellison of 16 Sandersoh Avenue Mss Brenda Johnsohof 22 Nowell Avenue Melrose Miss Arlene Klapman of 52 Broad Street and Miss MaryzP Joyce of 3 Moulton Street Bottom row Miss Gloria Robinson of I Mad ison Street Miss Judith A White of 325 Chatham Street Miss Paula Boutin of 99 High School Salisbury Miss lorence A Strople of 21 Lincoln Ave'nue Gloucester and Kenneth White of 279 Maple Street 2 Student Nurses Granted $5200 In Scholarships by James Edwards editor of the first newsnaner in Town His nrt A Tflrlicnn Pntrint hrr rruvorl lov tn Sta thODOlllnfi thn name from a fripnrllv Indian off Emond 7 Hinch 8 Maselbas 1 inc name irom a tnenq Indian Strurk Emond 8 Hmch 2 Linvi iiixincni AJiavit uawA DRY GIN lerevst Milina 80proof Ginl LOCKING CHAIR LKY WHISKEY A Staid Rich lYith Kentucky Whiskey straight from the Blue Grass country! 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 '1 1 0 6ao tai 1 2 I 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 jewpWfi'pw vi a UK Jr It i A 4K 'I ii i fr I Men wn a rev 4 i I I 4 rmjl1' 1 1 mw III I III HIIUIIJ I III? Ill 'I 1 4 i a aMBP 'i '9 xy 99' ta? KOHIW ii i 9av 9 w9v sm exe SAV A A9 ddAA CMiMr 9 d9V 999 9999 9 jA A 'W99X'SPW 9 999 a ULUIRk 9 XX W9 1 1 i I AHiMbta'' x' A yrSMOR A MH I i I I i it I Ik Wk i I '9k' JrA I A'l aXS s' wA 4 4 Xv 4 AfsZ Agji i aX Xk 1 'X 9 IMS r77 g3 I 8 I I I initHY ihtYwniffleis ire 888 IN 4 Ara A i 2NC A 4SN raj 1 9 3 2 0 2 1 0 4 2 3 I 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 4 1 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 '2 16 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 3 0 0 12 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 11 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 35 10 14 21 9 0 BABE NUTTI (3) ab po 110 00 0 01 01 4 2 4 1i 1 0 2 00 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 3 1 1 3 12 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 10 5 00 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 23 3 3 21 10 2I 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 1 0 11 3 WHEELS BALANCED I ftKrutar stalShly boHur oue fral wr rfcKag ueiufurH lacL Weights rara mm ITEM Xr" J) A fl I i NO RED TAPE DELAY BUY TODAY.

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The Daily Item from Lynn, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Views: 5905

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.