The Daily Item from Lynn, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Daily Itemi

Lynn, Massachusetts

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fp'n igpT 'Wt vb 3 PAGE OUR Hunting Season A Thought for Today SKo SEPTEMBER 3 2 1 jj JX bullet MERRY GO ROUND fe Mi By THE SIGHTSEER ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS By HASKIN SERVICE 2 6 MISTAKEN OR A PEER KNOW IT WAS LOADED THE WASHINGTON Reds Embarrass at Calendar 'A TUESDAY SEPT 17 1957 Wise Words Slander is a most serious evil it implies two who do wrong and one who is doubly wronged PLEDGE TO THE pledge alle giance to the lag of the United States ot America and to the Republic for which It stands one Nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for THE HUNTERS DAILY EVENING ITEM LYNN MASS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 17 1957 a flnccommentdry oh the temper of the times IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE A man who went broke in business said: blame it all on advertising" His friends replied: "What do you mean? You never did any advertising" "I know" was the answer "but my competitors did!" An easy thing is to tell What you'd have done in someone's place But are you really doing well Within the humble Bphem you grace? Each to his task must bring hfa best oolish Is he who other scores Their work has stood the acid test What would the acid do to yours? and thus do away with the odor of burning powder which the packers of pastel pistols find distasteful A well dressed woman of course would need a gun to match each dress and this could bring Donovan repeat business Some females I have: read are fearful of guns They prefer other methods of doing away with the opposition and the High Standard Manufacturing Company un doubtedly has started other makers of lethal ar ticles to thinking There is no good reason why strychnine a standard item in detective stories come in cut glass bottles Some ladies may prefer shivs A sharp knife with a rhinestone handle should be a joy for an angry female to use Others might like daggers sheathed in velvet THAT BRINGS US BACK to the lady who was going to Othman with a plain bullet from an ordinary gun She mentioned this plan in a tele phone conversation during which she did all the talking I just gulped So later her husband went to jail for fihm flammlng the taxpapers This seemed to calm her and I think I mean I hope she has changed hor mind If she has not and olinks me with a pink pistol then I do believe we should be ar tistic to the end Gunsmith Donovan will agree that the least she deserves is a torquoise blue nylop noose (Copyright 1957 By United eature Syndicate Inc) What They Say Any executive who thinks he can survive in such a situation (new incoming management) is making a dangerous and foolish blunder Job counselor Lon Barton of Chicago Only one thing plagues me about playing (Abraham) Lin coln: I am forced to listen to the same macabre jokes year in and year Actor Raymond Massey Suddenly I had an urge to kill Walker 14 charged with fatal stabbing of fa ther in Chicago I feel great not going to any hospital Mrs Betty War ner 22 of Cleveland after her baby girl was delivered by threa policemen 'test case TORRINGTON Wyo i Periodic tests are being held by Torrington city officials on gas driven engines for standby gener ators which are used to pump the local water supply in case of power failure But when the power went off recently the generators could not be started Their gasoline supply had been used up In tests THE HUNTED By the REV WILLIAM WALLACE ROSE DD What's Over the Hill? We suppose the first question raised by the firstman to lift his head and look around him something like this wonder on the other side of the We say this because progress is the child of curiosity Primitive man looked toward the rim of his world and wond ered what lay beyond His sons went forth to see Their sons pushed farther and farther on Some lost touch with the old home and never went back And so the process was endless ly repeated To every point of the compass went the pioneers fol lowed by families tribes clans lured by that "other side" of the hill or valley river sea or pltfin how the peoples "races tongues and colors came to be "Something hidden go and find it i go and look behind the This same curious streak in man not only drew boundaries wrote history started cultures on their way It was and Is the dy namic back of the sciences the arts the humanities REDERICK OTHMAN WASHINGTON An emotional type lady (she like what written about her husband who was a cheater) once threatened to shoot me and all she had was a plain old gun Now the female sex has available pastel pis tots to match the costume and beginning to think that Jife for mere men is about to become increasingly dangerous This has been worrying me since the High Standard Maufacturing Com pany of Hamden Conn announced that it was making dainty little 22 calibre pistes in shades of gold turquoise and pink believe there is a large market among women for handguns with a feminine appeal" said Vce President William Jz Donovan "We produced accordingly a sleek compact revolver with a quick draw non snag sight and hammer and a round butt this LITTLE JEWEL costs $4950 A lady can whip one of these from a beaded evening bag without spilling anything or even scratching her lipstick case and commit murder in style" My concern is that the average woman hates to buy anything fashionable without using it with pistol 1 to match be able to resist the urge I If as Donovan says there is a feminine de mand for fashionable shooting irons then the matter of murder deserves improving all along the line Take bullets now made of ugly old lead A slug wim a symneuc runy ougm io xv nice ly with a turquoise pistol and the lady using It surely would appreciate the fact that rubies blend nicely with blood To make the bullet do its work there must be some gunpowder in the cartridge THERE IS NO GOOD REASON why this be possibly with heliotrope NAMES IN THE Leon risbie ofp 52 Phillips Avenue will preside tonight as president of the class at a dinner dance of the New Eng land Institute Boston Class of 1957 at General Edwards Inn Point of Pines Mr and Mrs Joseph Stockbridge of 41 Parkland Avenue and: Mr and Mrs Gerald Varney of 15 Sidney Avenue have returned from a vacation in Maine Re turning to work recently after confinement to home due to an injury in a fall was Harold ans of 29 Pine Grove Avenue A recipient of one of the coveted Coffin Awards at the General Elec tric Company Mr aus is the husband of Mrs Viola aus former Lynn School Committee mem ber Speaking last Sunday at the riends Center was Richard Veats a student at Boston University Among the 137 students who en tered Massachusetts General Hospital School of Nursing this month was Mias Maureen Mc Keown daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry A Mc Keown of 6 Wardwell Avenue Alfred Diets of 39 Glen Avenue member of the membership committee participated in the first all meeting of the Boston Chapter National Office Manage ment Association Returning recently from a trip to Winnipeg Canada was Attorney Charles Cronk of 10 Court Ed ward Kelley Jr of Lynn is first vice presi dent of the Boston Club of Printing House Craftsmen which held the first meeting of the season last night at Hotel Bradford Boston Employes at the Swampscott Town Administra tion Building wfien hearing of the death of Pierre pet poodle owned by Newton Conrtney former Swampscott agent recalled the frequent occasions when the handsome pet visited the Town Hall and became a friend of everybody Puerto Rico Cuba an1 tne Cana) Zone Back coplea by mall IS cent each Unsatisfied and inquisitive man has rebelled against every limita tion of space ime hearing Bight knowledge Everything he ever has fashioned was only "good enough" until he could fashion something better a the tnost curious aspect of this everlasting urge to keep going Something in man's nerv ous system will not let him rest with anything short of perfec tion Yet nothing cap ever be per feet There is always something better farther on The other side of the hiU again No we never finish anything goed we say "Not half good enough It can be im proved on" And the happy fact is it can be! POET THE PEOPLE By EDGAR GUEST or piquancy derives from the i pungent qualities of the Ringer: plant The adverb or adjective i is probably from the i Old rench "genchor" meaning At one time it deferred to moving or dancing daintily or with mincing steps thence it came to refer to mov ing cautiously perhaps with ap prehension or distaste William Boyce one of the founders of the Boy Scouts in America in 1910 is referred to as a publisher" What did he publish there? WM 5 A The 1910 1911 edition of What in America stated that Mr Boyce assisted in esiao llshinc the Saturday Blade of Chicago and became its owner and the Chicago Ledger and other publications now pub lished by Boyce Co" Mr Boyce was listed as born June 16 1860 in Allegheny County Pennsylvania' and as beginning his business career ih 1881 in Chicago aa an advertising solici What is the oldest sCien associatlon in the ET This: distinction belongs 1a The American Philosophical (Society which was an outgrowth Arab Near East is now dominated by Russia In brief while the State De partment has been worrying about the German atecu stewing over passport Americans wanting to flO China and currying favor the aging Chiang Iai riisk Kremnn nas been SKmiuuy ing out a strategic this part of the world squeeze oil factories dries as a st An and which can call nal tuns for North Africa ccf as the Near Ehst goes batweqi Communism and the west goes Africa How Soviet Operates Here arc some of the tech niques used by the Soviet to sub vert tliis area One Is to win over the clergy especially the Moslem clergy Another fa to win the intellectuals especially the poor intellectuals A Moslem Hodga will receive an emissary from Russian Tashkent saying the Moslem people there want i his learned opinion on some mat ter of Moslem law He takes this seriously writes his opinion and is surprised a month later after he is a mend oi nussia Or a Lebanese or a Syrian professor will be asked to write an article on astronomy for an obscure Soviet magazine He 1 then receives 100 pounds Though he know it the article will be thrown away but he will be asked to every month or so and receives a steady income from Moscow About 200 Intellectuals alone in the small country of Lebanon have thus been won over to the Soviet orbit The United States recently sent ten million dollars to King Saud We'd have been much wiser to have sent him nine and a half million and de voted the other half million to discreet expenditure with the Moslem clergy and intellectuals who mould public opinion Amer ican policy has been relying too heavily on arms and kings and neglecting the masses The So viet talks about the masses while ignoring them and bets its money on those who can influence the masses (Copyright 1957 by Tht Bell Syndicate Inc) in Philadelphia about 1727 The society was formally organized in 1743 with Thomas Hopklnson as president and ranklin as sec retary Its members are enrolled in four divisions: mathematical and physical sciences geological and biological sciences social sciences and humanities HAUNTED BY A LINE POETRY? It may be a line from one of the poems you knew and Ibved in one of the poems in our famous booklet AMERI AVORITE POEMS Tn this collection you will find 38 1 of the 50 poems which newspaper readers In 39 States chose as their favorites Order a copy tor and one for that shut in friend Twenty five cents per copy postpaid Th Lynn Item Information 1200 Eye Street Washington 5 nrliw twenty five rents in Min (251 1 trerefiillv wrenued In nap' rl for conv nt the booklet AMERICA AVORITE POEMS Nnme a discussion club Benjamin ranklin formedlClty Dailu Tvt nitin 'stem yVBLISHED DAILT EXCEPT aUSDAY Bl HASTHTOS Si SOKS CT CO Entered as eecond clMe matter at Port untce In bynn Min under act ot Hirer 6 im Member ot the American Ne wipe per Publishers Assoclat on Enalknd Daily Newspaper Audit Bureau ot Circulation Press Wire Service MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press I entitled exciu ively to the use tor reproduction of all the local news printed in this newspaper as wall as ell AP news dlspatehea Herod Lynn Skies Today Sunrise 6:2 AM Sunset 651 PM The Moon rises Wednesday 12 IB AM in the constellation Gemini New Moon Sept 33 PROMINENT STAR omalhaut due south 11:50 PM (North of Edmonton Alberta this itsr is too low in the sky to be seen: at the Capo of Good Hope it appears directly overhead) HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE au 12:25 reader eaa yet the answer to any qtterlon of feet by writing Ths Lynn Item information Bnrean 12M Eye Bt Washington 8 Please enclose three 3 cents tor return postage As what age should a kit ten be weaned? A As a riilc not before it is at least eight weeks old Some kitten fanciers wait much longer Tills' is a critical step in a kit development and should be done carefully What is the name of the factory somewhere on Long Is lan that hircsonly disabled pco nlc? I roaA about it in a maga ino A xou procauiy icier to uio firm named Abilities Inc at West Hempstead I ong Island which was uescrioea ina Satur day Evening Post article (May 21 1955) This is a small sub contracting factory with less than 200 employes all of them handicapped in some way The founder and president is himself a cripple rwho wears artificial When the noun "ginger means spirit or fortitude why docs mean cautiously or fastidiously? A The two words arc not ofi QUESTIONING THE CRITIC Perhaps you may have oct ter served Than he whose work you criticise You may have more than he deserved The public plaudits and the prize You may believe you could have done Much better work but let me ask How well are you now getting on Witli what is your especial 1 THE NEW BEDORD CRASH I The crash of a Northeast airliner in a swamp just outside the New Bedford Airport late Sunday night was one of the most tragic air accident ever to occur in New England Latest reports show 11 dead and 13 victims still hospitalized 1 lying through a soupy fog the plane was only six tenths of a mile from a safe landing when it plummeted into Apponagansett Swamp flinging bodies about in an area 50 yards square A Investigators have found the instrument paftel of the twin engine plane undamaged which should prove of great value to the probers in determining what actually hap pened to a plane that apparently was functioning perfect ly normal one minute and plunged in disaster the next There is nothing one can say to the families of the 1 people who have been bereaved by this sudden loss of their loved ones Any form of modem transportation has its risks despite constant unremmitting efforts to make planes automobiles boats and trains as safe as human in genuity can make them Snmpthincrhannpnpd at New Bedford that in a twink ling thwarted years of building up safety protection both in the vehicle and operating methods The four pronged investigation now underway may give the industry one more suggestion to avoid future cattstophes such as this This is the only consoling aspect of the whole tragic affair Lesson In Losing Viewed as a political development decision to give Egypt supreme command over joint Egyptian Syrian armies is another painful sign of the way these two in creasingly pro Soviet nations are drawing together Seen strictly as a military event however the move is perhaps less alarming than some would characterize it On its face it seems to pose for Israel the threat of a two front war despite Syria's protests that no such ag gression is planned But actually the record of recent history ought to go far toward minimizing the Israelis' distress The last time the Egyptian army had an outing against Israeli forces in Sinai desert the defend ers collapsed like paper soldier in a breeze No amount of fancy footwork by President Nasser was able to conceal 4kiri 1 11 1143 In the light of this performance why army staff chief Maj Gen Afif Bizri should find anything to be I amiable about with Egyptian military leaders is something of a mystery It's no more sensible than if Ted Williams were to cheer on hearing been traded to the Kansas City Athletics One is left to wonder what benefits will accrue to the Syrian forces as result of this new arrangement with Egypt Possibly Egypt has some type techni cians who will be lent to the Syrians to school them in the art of surrender With all the practice had the Egyptians no doubt have developed a kind of priority sys tem for the abandonment of weapons and equipment Priorities might well be based on the idea of getting rid quickly not only of the heavier more burdensome items but of those things which the Soviet Union can resupply at an early date Keeping the Egyptians in weapons gives the Russians a replacement business that General Motors ord and Chrysler would be delighted to have in the auto field Up to now Egypt and its Arab friends have shown a marked aptitude for raiding border villages and isolated outposts But until there is some evidence that they can conduct successful warfare on a scale larger than one pill box a week really grave worries appear foolish Certainly from the military standpoint there is noth ing in this latest move to cause Western leaders to step up their consumption of tranquilizers Embattled Mothers A salute to that group of Lynnfield mothers who are keeping a careful watch on motorists who violate safety laws while children of the town are going to or returning from school The women escort their first graders to and the bus which takes the youngsters to their classes and have become alarmed by the actions of reckless motorists who neglect to heed the State law calling for a full stop when a driver is approaching a halted school bus The names of two alleged offenders have been re ported to the Registry of Motor Vehicles in Boston and the drivers may lose their licenses for 30 days if the charges stand up Here is safety practiced at the roots level but it is unfortunate that mothers should be forced to do work that rightfully the job of the police Adenauers Victory The German people again have demonstrated their solid good sense in returning Konrad Adenauer to the of fice of chancellor by a landslide margin over his Socialist onoosition Despite the fact that West Germany is right under the guns of the Kremlin and the Soviets did everything possible to frighten the Germans into putting into office a man pledged to appeasem*nt of Moscow the Germans as serted their sturdv independence and gave Christian Democratic Union Party an absolute majority in the lower house of the West German Parliament More than 90 per cent of the voters turned out in cidentally which ought to serve as an object lesson for those American voters who find it to go to the polls The outcome is a deserved tribute to the vigorous old man who in eight years has led the Germans from the debacle of defeat to power and prosperity Today West Germany despite the fact that she has been cut off from East Germany is one of the industrial giants of the World The mark is the most sought after currency in Europe West Germans are in uniform again this time on our side under the command of NATO More power to their able leader Brazen Teen Punks It has just been revealed in New York City that young offenders have brought their brazen defiance of the law Into the secret confines of the Children's Court Kings County Court Judge Samuel Leibowitz in charging two grand juries on methods of dealing with youthful offenders said that a teen ager threw a' chair at a judge a few months ago in Court The rhair struck the judge on the head Another judge had an Inkwell tossed at him and a third was threatened with be Ing thrown under a subway train Why these young punks were not clamped into cells is hevonri our undnrstn ndiniz The presiding of the Children's Courts when California bo available for about the cases replied: things are all in lArtlr 1 a 11 aaJatv' 1 1 1 1 1 I rt CUI 4UCJ1S V4UU OL LI1G UUgUIr 4viwui wa Angeles I use of the noun to mean spirit I vvhicif Bcnjam Mon Tiie Wd Tbw fri S4 7 BEYROUTH (Via An important vote edines up in the United National today in New York whlcli win affect American leadership in the Arab world and this most vital part of the entire world a vote to dedda between Sir Leslie Munro of New Zealand and Dr Charles Malik oreign Minister of Lebanon as next president of the UN General Assembly Both are good men and both are excellent friends of the United States 4 1 1 1 1 rt 1 1 II Hl Illi raraaoxicany ine soviet oioc is supporting Malik despite tne fact that he is bitterly opposed to Soviet penetration of the Near East He has battled against Communism and is one of the 1 best Arab friends the United 1 States has Moscow is support ing him in the UN election for just one reason: the Kremlin is1 wooing the Arab world with ev ery device and gimmick in its copious bag of tricks and one of I them is to put the United States in the position of opposing the I Arab Malik as president of the Assembly At this writing it looks as if this would happen Some time ago the United States made a pftdge to Munro to support him for the Assembly presidency Now we are in the embarrassing posi tion of having either to break that pledge or to vote against our best friend in the Arab world The situation illustrates the So current diplomatic skill un like the blundering days when Molotov was at the helm The Soviet today Is not missing a sin gle trick It happens that Malik and Munroe are good friends and have personal admiration for each otner western diplomats nave There withdraw from the election inereoy releasing tne unitea States from its pledge Crucial Penetration Soviet penetration of the Near East is just as serious as Loy Henderson reported to Washing ton in fact considerably more serious than the temporizing statement of John oster Dulles indicated last week What Mos cow has done is stake out a tri angular claim in the three most crucial parts of an area that con trols 70 per cent of the world's oil which dominates the pathway to Asia and which ha? been sought after by rulers of the world since before the days of Christ i The three points of this Soviet triangle are the Suez Canal I which Moscow can dominate through its friend Egypt Nas ser Yemen at the mouth of the Red Sea and Syria which has ust instauea a pro iaovict gov jmment Yemen which lies next to the British desert outnost of Aden guarding the entrance to 1 the Red Sea has recently re ceived 200 Russian MIGs There probably isn't one Yomenits who can fly a MIG They can drive camels and goats with the same techniques used in the days of Abraham but not MIGs ur thermore the MIGs are of no value to them except one purpgse: to rout the British and scare King Saud and his oil away from the Arabian American Oil Co urther north in Syria Mos cow has negotiated the following secret arms deal with the mili tary men who have taken over the Syrian government: $150 000000 worth of Russian arms for Syria including six subma rines three squadrons of Rus sian MIG the fastest fight er plane Russia plus eight airfields to be built in Sy ria before 1960 Skilled Subversion To understand the skill with which Moscow has been subvert ing In the Near East you have to realize the strategic importance of Syria geographically It is the key to the Arab states of the Near East You got to Iraq from the Mediterranean without passing through Syria You can't get to Jordan without passing through Syria You can not get to Saudi Arabia or Ku wait on the Persian Gulf without flying over passing through SjTia And this country sitting square ly astride the crossroads of the 5:36 AM 5 57 7 Ant th nf Dav (All Times Eastern Daylight) COMPUTED OR THE LYNN ITEM BY BAILEY RANK Prayer for Today We thank thee God for so much honesty in man when it is often profitable to cheat for so much fairness among men when the rewards of self assertion are often clearly seen and for so much patience displayed even while the hustler gets what he goes after Keep reminding us of thyself through these down to earth people who live up to heavenly standards in name Amen Russell Hdtchison New Concord Ohio professor of Bible and Religion Muskingum College (Copyright 1957 by the Division of Christian Education National Council of th Churches of Christ in the USA) Lynn Precipitation Data Inches Total 24 hrs to 7:30 PM Mon 0 I Total this month to date 28 Departure from normal 142 Total since Jan 1 to date 18JS5 ueparture rrom normal a Lynn Degree Day Data DepreR day Monday Total degree days this fno io date Tftta! Jlllv 1 Total at corresponding date last yr 61 1 30 yr normal corresponding date 28 orecast ORECAST OR LYNN AND VICINITY Tonight clearing and cooler low temperatures in mid in city and in low in suburbs Wednesday sunny and continued cool Joseph A Tambeau of 5 Endi Marriage Intentions 7 John Logan of 16 South Common Street and rances Harris of 11 Varney Terrace Rrnre Sort of 41 Mall Street and Carol Alin Staudinger of 10 Crosby Street Robert Mcr aaoen ot no Summit Avenue providence and Helen Pawlowski of 10 Deer Park William Bremner of 11 Shorey Street and Jacqueline Smith of 22 Hanover Street David A Swanson of 54 Smith Street and Marie A Brigden of 2 Brimblecom Street Deaths cott Street Cliftondale died yes terday Mrs Rosanna Harrison of 618 Summer Street Lynnfield Cen ter fortnerly of Iynn died yes terday Mrs Marie Card of 23 Rich ard Street died yesterday Anniversaries Constitution signed by Congress 1787 irst transcontinental flight New York to Pasadena Calif 1911 Lieutenant Selfridge USA killed in plane crash first avia tion fatality in United States 1908 Birdie Tebbets succeeds Rog ers Hornsby as manager of Cin cinnati Red Legs 1953 Realty Transfers IN LYNN Albert John son et ux to George Collins Jr 61 Stonewood Lane Jennie Boud to Herbert Dever et ux Belmont Avenue Ida i Norby to Gladys Blatchford 482 Eastern Avenue Gladys Blatchford to red White 482 Eastern Avenue Lynn Pentecostal Church to Robert Sisson 191 Oxford Street RichaMl lvnn to Interna tional Realty Corporation West Baltimore Street uny or xynn io jenys 01 Lynn Harding and Martin Streets IN LYNNIELD Edward Sampson et ux to Richard Leach et ux Main Street IN Bernard Abrams et ux to Angelina De Rosa Greystone Road WilliamVV Haley to Edward Mulry Jr et ux Baldwin Road William Ryder Jr et ux to Herbert Poole Jr Waldron Street" Helen Regan io Leon Bouchard West Shore Pnve Dominic Magazzl ot al tp Leon Bouchard Villaee Street Ernest Hardwick et uk to Leon Bouchard West Shore Drive IN Lorej Ross et ux to Agnes Scaduto Sea View Avenue IN Diego Nicolo to Peter A Mazza et ux Beachview Avenue Town of Saugus to Ns Pow er Co two parcels Horace Street and Whittier Avenue Town of Saugus to Eugene DuPrey Dewey Street Conrad Construction Inc to Jerry Silverstein et ux 31 Cliftondale Avenue a MENTAL AIH LOS ANGELES W) The Lutheran Home ounda tion here is sponsoring a pro gram to orovldc aid to emotion parents afford to pay for psychiatric guidance acilities of two hospitals add of the University cit Southern Sights and Sidelights Swampscott may not only get its name on the map as' the saying goes but also on a postage stamp if the contention of a leading historian of the town who re cently died can be Droved A caippaign is underway to determine wheth er or' not Humphrey Street is the fir A public highway to be pffidally laid put in Massachusetts as claimed by the late Henry Baldwin in an article written a few years ago for a Swampscott convention of the Massachusetts Association zof Selectmen Mr Baldwin who was the remaining active member of the Swampscott Historical Society wrote that Humphrey Street was the first public highway in the colonies and was laid out in July 1659 The Rev Howard A Andrews pastor of irst Church Congregational saved the Baldwin arti cle and recently contacted the Board of Select men to see if any appropriate mention (tan be made of the tercentenary of the date in two years He said that if the statement can be proven it would be a good idea to have the Common wealth note die 300th road building anniversary in July 1959 and possibly request that a special stamp be issued for the occasion The selectmen have gone to ork on the proj ect and have contacted State officials who are thus far unconvinced that no other Massachusetts street was made a public highway before Hum phrey Street However they are digging into their records OVR EXERTED HEART $4'OT By RIEND Wt 0'4 Iff 9 fil Brain MT Zz ssSXfi BoBlIlrai gMMBW 1 eU 't I I WzMVli 'a4v 1 4V10 Ml Jii 1 JI A4il A 4 1 te tifi A a 4 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 10 It 20 21 22 23 24 21 26 27 2S 24 30.

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.