St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


FLATS FOR RENT. 14 Wwh. lo. FLATS FOR RENT. 14 Words.


ST. LOLTS A Store and living room Apply 4322 MafStt sv. 14 W- i PIAXO. For sale, tid-jjiht piauo. leather conch, rockers, eieeustoa table.

lace curtains, pretty drapes. AxtUuater rugs: all brand-new CkmIs; at a sacrUi-e. 4.m-brl.ine a RANGE P'or iiie, one fsur-uoie range; 4o34 Cvuns av. $. KAXOE P'or sale.

Quick Meal 1-- r- i i ni ju.l B.VXGE For sale, gasoline self-gen" erator; sell cheap. 2S4SA Fji-uiuhv. RAX'GE Large bourdinp house Charter Oak range for saie; will sell tor half price. S22j Ln-as bt. RAN.iE p'or saie.

Maj'-atk; gas with water coil; cost 40: will sll for $12. Call at Langau Storage M-rgan st. RANGES. EiC For saie. gas rsnge.

sardine range, kit. -hen cabinet. Lrou foldinii bed and cot; call 43.M av. UEi- IUGERaTOII For aale, refrigerator. In pood condition, $4.

Neweuuib near UI C-S, PiTC. For sale, two Hxl2 Brussels ruirs aud other furniture; cheap. 5703 Coto Brilli.inte a v. III LiU-for sail! rues iil $3 rugs. $9.75: extra heavy lijiuleuin.

33c; irt.n di-eseers, $4.70. ode. '23 Fmnklin ov. ifi STOVP'. P'or sale, irasoline stove, wilh oven; call Monday.

4S4.1.V Arco. S.OVP- Por sale, yuk-k Meal gasoline stove, lrtest pattern; detJchabie resenolr; Ad. Vj4. RIG AXD CARPETS For sale, one v-lvct rug and carpets, cheap. lfiiH s.

Jefferson. TTrt ft Ne have an liuiuense stock at l-J III usual prices. Benares Tup-n 1 S.f3. Best Brus- 1 kKels. Dxl2, Klegatit $14.75.

Royal Wl'ton, seamless. ixl2. only $21.30. All kinds and Lace Curtains, from 33c to Hundreds of styles and all worth double. THE RUG STORK.

1117 Olive st. (55) A Pew Leaders for This Wek in Furniture. Carpets, Iiusjs. Etc. For pprior.

twdrrom, dlu'ne room and kitchen. Xew $9 Iron luds sl.i.'lKiards at $1S; new 4lre.ier. 12.l; worth mv.v $IS chiffoniers for new $35, foldinc beds for $18: Dew $JJ Axmlnster rujs. bxUL for new J1S Brussels r.nrs for $13. 30: new $12 refrigerators -for aud all onr other sroods at prevailing hvw prices.

This ii a erand otuxirtnnltv to secure soaie rel bar-giiins. We are Just out of the high reut district, l-angaa Storage salesroom, lool Morgan st. THE POINT IS THIS "When Buying Rugs or Carpets, Quality as well as price should lie considered. We give you both. Xew Axminster nips.

Dxl2, new velvet nips. bxl2, new Brussels rugs, 0x12. $11. 3o: new ingrain rues. Uxl2.

and other sizes and grades equally as cheap. Bring size of your fioor. Langan salesroom, 1001 Morgan. Ti I Z)e immense stccK at I III halt brlccs. Benares Tap- 11 1 1 v2- 8.l.

Best Brus-1 Vj kj Rels- 112' Elegant Axiuinsiers. 9x12. $14.75. Roval vt seamless, Hx12, only $21. 5o.

All kinds and sizes. Lacs Curtains, from to $15. Hundreds of stvles and all worth double. THE RUG STORE, 1117 Olive at. (331 SACRIFICE SALE.

We will sell at a sacrifice all old and close out furniture in our immense stock of now aud slightly used yoods. This is the season of the year that we must make room for storaae. If you are in uoed of anything In the furniture or carpet ilne, do not fail to inspect our stock. It Is a pleasure to show-goods are making a special drive on rugs, carpets: hi)e AxmLnster rug. 9x12.

for $21 trade taucstrv Brussels, l12. $10 73: fine matting. 23o per yard. In8n Tavl lor S. ad M.

1823 Washington ,3) AUCTION 714 X. 22d Tuesday, June 20. 10:30. B.g ssle of household goods of ail kinds. Soo-clals Room size axmlnstr rnjes.

lot groceries grocers Iceboxes aud refrlserators. wall case-, showcases. counters. Majestic 6-hole stool ranges and gas ran-. are sellin? exceedingly low; dealers and consumers will miss it if they don't attend this sale.

ST. LOUIS' WRECKING Tel. Beaumont 3. 714 X. 22d st.

GOING FAST Is onr immense SALVAGE RTOCK of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linens, etc. We ar--closing out every article, regardless of cost and you will never again buy such goods at the prices we now offer. WE MUST VACATE. And have decided to quit the retail buslnea-i and to dispose of our stock quickly; have cut prices almost in half. OUR $100,000 STOCK Contains the finest lot of Rugs and Lace Curtains in St.

uls, as well as everything vou want la furniture of all kinds. Come early and get your share of the bargains. WESTERN SALVAGE Morgan St. (33 I-'LAT For sale, 6-room flat, cheap. U21 V.

18th st. FURNISHED PXAT P'or sale. 321fi Locust. FUUXISHED'fLAT For sale." furnished flat" cheap; call on Sunday, between 4 to 6 p. ni.

727 X. Vandeventer av. (71 P-URX1SPLED FLAT P'or sale, furniture of3-rooui fiat, on account of death. 323 Lef-flngwell; no dealers. FUlt.MS.HUD HOUE For.

sale. X-room house, newly furnished: all conveniences. Lu-ch av. FURNISHED FLAT For sale, 5 furnished rooms, worth will sell for $73 If taken today. 4010 Evans av.

P'URXISHED P'LAT For sale, contents of Hat, cheap; rent $10; 4 rooms and bath-phone p'orest 14M. FURNISHED FLAT P'or ssle, nicely furnished 3-room flat, bath, cheap If sold at once. 2i)o3Vii Washing ton av. FURNTSHKD P'L AT For sale, contents of 4-room flat; will sell at sacrifice. S02 Hickory st.

FLAT-P'or sale or rent, fur-nlsiied flat, 4 apply 5703 Easton phone Dei mar FURN1SHED FLAT Being called from Hty will soil for 7-room!slid cheap rent. Ad. 101. Post-Dlspatcb. FURNlSdiKD FLAT F.r sale" urnltiire.

Coni-piete. for 3-room flat; easy terms: parties leaving city. Irqulre P. L. Gains' drug store.

Last St. LouU. 111. Pl'RN'UllbO) P'LAT For sule, completely furnished ft-rootn modern Lat, near I-rjytt- Park; rent $27.50: occujiled hy six boar cr; muht sell at 4u.e; iaj-t- leaving city; $13'j cat. Ad.

01. I'vat-Dlspatch. HOUSE For sale. room uwwly fur-nliued: fll c-juveaieucee Lut-vts av. lUx.iMlN-.i Hoi I'or lo well fur- nlshe.1 rooms cheap.

.4..2" lillve. Must sell at once; leaving city; kw reut. Call at hoi.e. tiii BICYCLES BICYCL1C For sale, flue $00 wheel, cheap. 1-ilA Marearetta av.

BIi. p'or sale, bicjcle. coaster brake, in ioxl condition; clieap. 1107 Gano av. HI KL For ssle.

chaialeas nheel. 4' heap. I5.0 12tu. BH'VCLE pr sale, Ikivs bicycle. In order 723 Marion st.

BICYCLE P'or sale. Torpedo bicycle, chcapT Lee av, lUc'x OLE P'or saie. In bicycle. 3t N. -ail In eienlny.

BICYCLE I-'or eal-. L.cvcle onariy new. with cluster bra. $. 3iv4)a Pivaua a v.

IHCYCUC L--4iiM -baud Ad. P'-ai. Kinloch Pari. St. Leu's cooi.1: P'or aale, tacd.ra a-- J'-wek- if st once.

Ad. 5l'f5- i 1 1 ulT "in vT rwt Uc7ci and mtftwr4-yci; pay rash; tth i.ns Knight s. LA14 Olive st. of Yais-CiaLiforoia niororcrcie; belt driten; 2borepower; $171. Call for No lit Sile tcle 4ll s.

Broadway. IVMPINKS stock, tire. fi h- rn lire 01 er. ki.i;l C. 1214 st.

WlfKii-p'or sale. wjeel. Orient u.v. pood conUi'ioo. 75 Aul-rt av.

St, ha more 1 t-Ilpatch readers every day than it ha homes. 'First la every-thin." AilADRMY 1413A Umt cheerful upper flit In St. Loula: dellebtf oo! In and exceptionally warm in winter; fire rnnm and bath, gas fixtures. shades; riu otMn Euttou ar mt coa ADPXAIDE A 21O0 Upper 5-rootn conyriitfemt-t; gas and fixtur-. flit; AlLAXTHI'S 1113 5-room flat, newlr pPr-d; bath, hot and cold water; all conveniences; price 422.00.

ADAMS 21 HI Three room. open. John Gretber A Cliestnut at. A RM AN A Flat; 4 iarse. Fight rnns; bath, cli jrdelicrs, screens and lire AUBERT 1113 rV-mon Hat; all conveniences: screens and Mmai; vac-ant July 1.

Apply 41M5 Fountain ai. RAKTMKR One nice 7-room flati newly papered; bath, hot and -oid water; everything ntfiilnt; price IA KT.rivR fKiSIMMA-Si and eight room i ts, lfim h'-at. Janitor. gas ranre, shades; on ii. See ownr at r.177 Morran.

BPLL A 4-room flat, marble vestibule; new, moderr, original; $0-Janitor. BILL A Seveu-ioom apartment, newly hot water, steam beat. Janitor service. S't-phen p-erii. Agent, 603 Com mercial bid (J) BELT f4(.

J-imdi fUt aud hell; gas range, screens, etc. recept.on AV 1374 Five li-irJlt room flat screens, awnings; small fa-mlly without chil- BL'LT 13 Beautiful light flat: every m.wtern lmprovf rannt perfect condition; lovely lawn; email family; no chUrtren; $2S. fci.AOKST(E modern borne, too larg-e for have four rooms nnd bath, eecond floor, newly dee rated; will rent to vonn eotiplo without rh'Mr-n; per mon'b; references I'spe rr. A FLrw 6-rnom flat; key downstairs; $35. N.

S. Wood, 315 at. bOTAM 'AL A 4rVU-4XU Two flats. and fl rooms, all conveniences and Improvements; ready to move In; open Sunday from 2 to o'clock. (1 flOTANlCAI, A 4imiA Best flat In Tyler 7 roo-n; every modem convenience; fiewly decora' adjacent to Tower Grove 1'nrk and Shaw's Garden; cars at corner; open.

C.ABA-NXK 3044B Five rooma aud Jti- X. 3. Wood. 013 Chestnut at. OALIFOItMA 2 ft rooms "and Iwrh, hot nnd cold water; rent $V2.

Key down-fatra. CARPKNTFTR 723 Siifmrbnn llre. near Vandeventer; 7 rooms; a.l conven'oucea; raut CAHnLIMi Two rooms and lann-d-jr. CAP.OI.IXK Fonr modern room flat: teo (maement rooma; lanTidry: aoiithern fixtures, $2S: alao 0 rooma. hp d-rn.

S.H.V Brood location for roomera; i medical college and dental; good tvnnlr. CAKH or atx rooms; all conveniences. (JAKftoLJ. HT-, 1V fii-oond floor; 5 eleijaot ww and bath. $1S; for family 3 to per-ouf; reference; uo children.

CA KOtTx jFSTT27l 'Five large 17.5): open. John Grether St 1015 Choatnut at. CASS 1025 Five rooms, rent Iltt. I. Madden Co Sr.12 Raaton.

CAiiTl.FlAJSi 4204V FUt of 7 rooms, bafh. bet and cold -Water, laundry; $2Sj atore; open. 47) CIIA.VKIVO A J.20 a rooma; 8. Herrmann. 1127 Cheatnut at.

CIM.RA J44TTornar. block from Baarwr. nnoer roonwand bath: CLEVFXiAKIl (WTO ft-room flat; select bath, furnace, screens, fli-turea. CI'FVEiiAXiD 5 rooms, reception ball, hniiie'l tasraont and laundry; all latest modern improved Cat; $23; open. Ajidraea Gerat, 1C! X.

Sth st. CLEVELAND Six rooma. Eaa fixtures, mantels, eowna. hot water, furnace, laundry: all new. Fee me quick: low rent, lire-water.

1110 Holland after 2 to-d-T- (4 OCI'KMAX 23H uotr flat, 4 laxgo rooni'4, alcore; modem; $22. V) per month. COI-rMPI 4K7 Clj-mnm flat on nice atreet; hot and cold wa tor and beat In winter; fur $2S. AdJresa A. Ss.

Atkins, East St. Lotiis. COMl'TOX 1110A R. 3 rooms, nicely decorated; no bath. Call 721 Olive room 421 COOK 4728 6-room flat; ga stove, tlx-turea.

water heater, screens, fcrnace; open. I'AUiA 1XHIMA W-ant modrn fUt: mioll family s-'ults. sRAT'U. 10176 roomaVwlth bath inS closet all couvculeucea and food condition. 5oi P.

Itfili llANTK. 4ftT4 of 4 rooius. ball, (as and hot bath. COTE JBmLI.lANTE A S34aI five-room upper flat: nil conveniences; street made; newly papered' $21. COTE BRIU.IANTK 439 Xlcej 4-ro4m flat; bath, low rent to steadv tomnu M.

B. O'Reilly 11. 723 Clr.luut st. I'KLM A to 50fi( M. dern opnr'mouta.

ready for occupnncy; dee4Watel suit; every convs. rooma 8Hi a 81 (ff IUVKHOS 2800 Four or six room flat, bath and gas. 21324 rooms, first floor, $Ts" Keclcy H. 1C 1113 Chestnut. (II IilIJxiN f'C, 1J14 Second floor; six rooms and a lHJON 1K17 Flno Tat.

rooms, bath and all conveniences: price $24. RAOS 8217 8 rooms snd bath; shades, screens, gas nxturt-a. hut water connected to fornace. Open Sunday. BAPH A aJJIA Five ulcv rooms; every cun-enlenee; open Pundiy and Monday after-noo-u.

It ASTXI A 4142A 4 rooms and bath, all la perfect comlltlon, reduced to fl6. BAcTON" A ajfi-tei-ond fluor front, 3 rooms; $11. X. K. Wood, 016 fThsstnur.

El.M A 737 flnfa: IdeM h'mes. -4 and 5 room 1 EIJ JOT A 1A34 S-rooia flat. let floor good order. Inquire iXVJfl Ptoldard Ft'f'IJD p'lve nuia every r.e!y decorated; cheap to permanent tt K( ii ur-l-er flat, ail IH'I- veriit'uvM; ont Fountain Fark; verv rwniii: reduced rent. Apply 9)7 Fuclld.

KWPXO A P. Four e.xm flM; nice ront nJ c1 Trd rent $lj per month. FAIJUIOVKT CEA ix room flat, gas stove. At tyres, wnter heater, screens, shad'x and furnace: opti. (D riNXKTf A tHtA tnr rooms "and bath" HO.

X. S. Wood, Mo Cbesinut st. FINKV 44C'I FVur awou and bath X. S.

Wood, i-38 Cfcesmut st. FLAIi A 8IU7l4iej-n flat; every tXUV Fleant fi riu flat; all conveniences; Omptoa Heights; open. Ap Plv WXA: nAO A 1S4(7A-K'esant room jt. all couveulenrea; IM decorst" to snlt; mil rewonai-le. FtAT Fine room flat; gas fixtures: nicely 4ecorted.

Aijdi E7o. FLAT tutl fat. central l.xaiiou. r.ut $ov: prim 300t for terms, elc, write 4)et-Pipsteh. FLAT at of five roo" snd bslh.

prfecf o-der: Morrlrnd $32 50. Ad. S3. Post tXrtt BKVT. Ited.i.-d 4u feet eaat PN-est P-ark: 5 reenns: Mosaic tuing: auufuPv decorstl.

U. K. 7Jk Cfcea.nnt at. tfir3 r. snd bsth: hot snd cold wster eonaectloos.

$22. Scbweaker Kea ty C. 1107 Cl-stwut at P'o; vi. TH R' ltal 4-room r-'ui. gas Lx.arr; fjO.

lnoulri fTi ('. 4 cOTV I 11' N- -i and Wood. P15 Chestnut. UlAN'siUN -pNur nm. se vl uta: wi.l paper.

Louis P. Kalt-ir-, Bta FUA-NKLl A SkTr Flat ef 2 r.Ms and bsih; (as range, refrigerator; uU-e. -r ni iu rear; OmisON 44H -3 roo- bath, iauudiy, A fJV JRraiaan, Cheettiot st. 14 Woods. 20e.

ABSOLL If.Li tiest prices paid for household AL kinds of b.eeh rjodii lioiicht. Jones li4X t'Wive; C72; Bea'-mont 12S- ALL NCI. I. t-nn 111 low H07 Jafrors-ii: 3rvj postaL j3i ALL kinds of furniture, carpets, stoves; Biu-est prices: send postal. Bvnstmfr, 2l' P'ranLlia av.

ailn telephone 21.vC. Uj ALL kinds of household goods, rets, feathers, piauoe. lota la etorage bought; also contents of houses. Wolf, 1415 Park, phone A1HK). ti.

01a feather neis: 33c ir pound; send postal. S. Batavia. 13 via tt. HIGHEST Drtccs nald for old stoves, furniture, carpets, upright piauos.

S-Broadway. WtJ. Carpets, pi-iuos. household goods, evry dewcrfpthnu hlgiiest- ITOBSer, i21 Jlie. CO M.

DAMSON pays a euitabie price for old shoes. feathe.r earners, furnlture. Be-il postal to Sll X. 11th tt erlll call.

t2 WLTrtJ-He iy hhest pricea for noiu jurmture, stock in atore; enu contents of flats and residences: don't sell ur.til yon see us; send postal. Leonori Auc-tlou 12U) Olive st. (S) WE buy furniture, csrpets'and featiiers; send uostal or phone OSt i'ky, S12 IHch. (o) i I HOUSEHOLD GOo'd FOR SALE BF.LrS. ETC For sale, large and small white iron ueu; new niatrves cheap.

1'arn. VIED P'or sle, pretty oak mantel folding oeu; no dealers. t-aii 1444J Uega 'V" stairs. BEID. ETC.

For sale, one double walnut bed and springs; oue small low icebox; one bake oven. ll7 Chambers st. BPiDS P'or sale, beautiful upright foldlug bed, also mantel folding bed, walnut bed, cots, etc. 31)70 Olive st. BEDROOM SUITE P'or sale, elegant uuar-ter-aaW4rd oak bedroom suite.

5v'j4 P'air- IUoUUt. BEPiS'lFjAD, ET-C. P'or sals, one bedstead and mattress, kitchen table and other furuimre; oheap. llo9 Monroe St. CAitvETS P'or saie, carpets, all sizes, from Lindell Hotel; cah or eaay payments.

3i Olive st. (7) P'or sale, beautiful mahogany otd davenport, handsomely upholstered; great bargain. 4310A Maryland. P'OLDIXG BPiD sale, mahogany folding bed; will sell cheap. 3011) St.

Vincent. FOLDING BED For sale, elegant oak folding bed, French plate mirror; cheap. 1100 Market St. P'OLDIXG BED. ETC.

-For sals, $24 folding bed, $10; $18 davenport, Table, dresser, beds, chairs and kitchen cabinet; nearly new. 1447 Clara av. FUBXrrCRB For sale. 2ijo 'Madison st. FURNITURE Far sale.

150O X. Pendleton. FURNITURE For sale, complete new outfit of two rooms and kitchen, cheap. 2916 S. 13th.

FLRNrruJiE For sale, furnishings of an e-gunt flat at private sale. B2id McPherscm. PXRNlTURE I-eaving "city; household goods fcr sale; call mornings. 4104 Delmar. FURNITURE For sale, cheap.

2617 Walnut rear. p'l RXlTURE For sale, oak bedroom set. French dresser, also office or display table. 2S3U Franklin. FURNITURE, Wtd.

For cash, old fur niture, carpets, feathers; will call. A1. S-Kross, 3216 Piastou av. (S3) FURNITURE or sale, velvet rag. 10x14.

brass bed, china closet, mahogany dresser, chiffonier; other furniture. Olive. FURNITURE) For sale, furniture of a fonr-rootu flat; cheap for cash; party leaving city. 112U X. Sarah; cail today.

FURNITURE P'or sale, bedroom set. complete, nli. lied conn.lete. In quire cigar store, 441H Easton av. FURNITURE P'or sale, nice oak bedstead, sprlm.

snd mattress, good ss new; also tine oak hall tree, cheap. Ad. 72, Post-DIs. FURNITURE For sale. 6-foot ejtteusion table, Vi dten chairs, cloth, napkins, dishoe, knivs, forks, spoons, all for look at them, as many sets as you want, at Model Restaurant, corner 7th and Lucua.

(7) FURNITURE For sale, 1 iron bed complete, 1 4-bole gas range, 1 4V4-foot extension table. 1 hot blast heater. Call at 000 N. Main, any week day. FlKNITl'KK For aale.

golden oak dining room fut'Ditnre. iron folding bed. gas range, leather upholstered settee, dictionary stand. UxL2 Wilton rugs, kitchen cabinet, ta'jlo, onyx stand; wall hat rack. Call 4608 Del-war bl.

FURNITURE For sale, white Iron bed. brass trlmimuga, complete, fine oak dresser and washstand to match, mantel oak folding bed, cost $23. price will exchange folding bed for nice chiffonier. 303A Evans av. FURXUTUKE, ETC.

Oue cedar oo couch, one fclding iron couch, with cretonne pad; two iron folding beds, with Ostermoor mattresses oue oak dining room table, one re-veisllde card table, one Morris chair, kitchen and laundry furniture and articles; aiso four 9x12 feet velvet rugs, two 7x9 feet body Brussels rugs, two sTmyrna hall rugs, feet each; 20 beautiful pictures iu frames; all of these effects are of the finest and have been In use only a short time, and in appearance are like new. 4137 Lindell lower West apartment. Cll after oday. GAS RAXGI2 For sale, a flue gas range, in perfect order, $8: 2151 Washington av. GAS RANGE p'or sale.

Majestic gas range, in good order, with couplings and pipe. Ad. 0. Pot-Dlpatch. GAS RAXGE, ETC.

For sale. Quick Meal gas range and Vulcan water heater. Inquire Sunday, 3837 P'olsom av. GAS RANGE. ETC.

P'or sale, gas range, carpet and fine brass-trimmed bed. bOB X. 13th upstairs. GO-CART. ETC.

P'or sale, go-cart, with pnr-asol and cushions, formerly $20, now flue large trunk, nearly new. plush bed couch, walnut lied: small dresser to match. $7. 4712 olive st. HOUSEHOLD GOODS For sale.

Iron beda, rugs, bedroom suits; cheap. 2824 Dickson. HOUSEHOLD GOODS P'or sale, hou-ehoid ioocs In good coiid'tioti: also lawn Stilus rn-i co*ck av. HOUSEHOLD GOODS For sale, one nice 3-nlece bedroom aulte and chairs; will aall cheap. lslJ Texaa.

IiOcs-ilOi uoouS-P'or saie. bedroom set. 3 sideboards. 3 iron foidinc bds, 3 wi.ra- roov-t. --i-r; di-ap.

17 li. UUi st. ilitl HO EJIOLDt XiDSFor saTle nice Targe dresser, washstaud, single iron bed; good as new; sell sepsrste; cheap. 1218 O'Failon. HOUiSEiJOLD saie.

bed springs', mattresses, plBows. chairs, rockers, tfci-ie., etc JttM EMtmsn st. HOI SEhlolj) For saileT furnltur Call Alonday evening, between 6 and t. X.

Grand av. 1 K'l HOLD 4i44JDS P'or saiei gas rune. Iceimx. heating siove, bed. hanging lamp, like new; cheap.

tXCA) Bleeck av. HOU mlaJlt cai-pets. rugs, linoleums and furniture left for atorage; Hi sell at any price. IUhJ P'ranklin av. (4) liuCaElfoLii GOODS P'or sale, 5-pleee parlor euit.

slJet.jarl. wanlrube. sewing machine, music cabinet. heatlur stove; no dealers. Call Sunday, J910 La-ml.

a-t-LLiiJi ouoLuj Left-7r storage, iue-ialn. BrusKe'a and Axntlnster rug; alio 15 bedrooui suiU. lo dressers. sideboards, 6 china eloaet iron beds, sll sizes and style; mui sell t' week; call st once If you want a big argaiu. lol7 Prauklla hjj HOI GoOD For aale.

several odd pieces of costly i.arlor furniture; and leather rockers; essy raUs, tables, ieattier roch. nuai'c rixUvt. beautiful royal Wlltori. axl Brtis--la rtf (flor brass beds, elegant odd dressers, chiffoniers, In ny. oak and bird s-eye maple; fine oak uflnt illnlTin table and -ha china 4-abtnet.

old Imtch mission clock, 6 alao cjtisti- mission fnruituio: Orleniai mgs; other numer-im furnUiUrnjs of j.leas'.ae designa: all jpractteajiy wlil wll this ctat aejiaratelv at very I. price; also my -ery fine oprtgbt n-inj, o. tinea months, at a aacrlflc. 3813 Locle Vi av. (3i IJN'OU't For sale, ft'; 4V5 'r linoleum.

Bite lox.i ETC Foe ssle. msttreu-es. mantel mirrors. Iron single beds and springs, carpets cash or time. 8221 O.Ie,i7.

PABljOlt Sfrr. ETC.ITor sale irlrM-T biact hair walnut frame, iileoes; fC.vt eoadlt'on; also eenter tbU with rranfle- top; cheap; r-artiea ieav-Jn city. M. Keogh, 1124 N. 13th; ftwr.

iOjD.T Xo4rf Four-room lower flat $1" A Pi ly 4022 llefntt OHANlJ 1A rooujs; bsth; fuiuace. second floor; $Su. Griffin UiJle 1111 C4ivstnut st. GRAN1 8493 A a. night rooma.

Datb. screens, newly pspered al painted, etc; only $.. keys 313. Zink 13 7tu at. GUAM! lo7A Finely arranged 6-room flat; large r4X'n3s: every convenience; ateun beat: beuarate an complete; low rent to ateady tenant; cool fiat.

M. 11. O'Reilly R. 723 Chestuiit St. GkATIOT ST.

Key at i27. 5i first llnur; L1. Keeley, 1 1 13 Chestnut stn-et. 442T.A- Hediict-d to $2S: 7 good-size rooms; porcelain bath, etc. hardwood tlnish.

Greer ileal Kstate 71tt Chest nut at. liktXdUfcm'A Flat of 4 iwj and rvcvptkm hail: newly decorated; furnace; 1 nti.lrl I'fii flvrnrec: lifi.UU.KTTA 2SU A very cozy and choice liat; 4 rooms; porcelain bath, hot ttiid cvld wnter, launlry. eu. beautiful ne'siiborhood one block from 4th Bt. ears, on Xatayette and oue block from Oompton lieltK car on Xebraika av.

$22.00 er bion'-b. Key iips'alra. Uouvy Bartliuc loll Chestnut at. UUiOlT rooms; bath; second aud third fl.m. f2J.

Griffin Ileal listate 1111 Oicstnut st. HICKOUY 2tJ32 Three-room upper flat, futtl, gas and water; $14. UICKOpY flat, including gas range; $12 mouth. LTK-KoutY 1614 Six roosns and bath; Joi.a $. Blake Jk Bro.

Rtslty 17 11 X. 7th St. Cheerful 6-room house; near Vandeventer rent reduced, $30. Greer U. K.

Co. HOWAail 207- rooms: first floor. JKPFluK.S4V A 231 Seven-room flat; bath and laundry. JKdTiFEKlioN 8Mj-laundry; screens; $23. bath, gas, (1) JJuF-PEIuaoS floor.

$13. nut st. 2J23 Keeley II. K. 3 rooms.

R. 1113 second K.X.NJJilA' A 4o.H3; gua; lat; 5 ro-iiis, bath. iK4X A Three-room flat; niwly pa4rei; private; city water; $10 mouth; opn. KFXSINUTO.N 32-14 A 7-roum apartment, upper; shades, lixturi8, screens, raiitfe, etc. Boyal Investiuent 107 N.

7th. IWEobltK 2C41 Pour rooms, only $12. Lou's P. Baltinger. Fullerton Bldg.

272S- 3 rooms, laundry; $15. ilerrmaon. 1127 Uffestnut st. 8V4! 4 rooms, with bath; $2i. Keekiy R.

K. 1113 Chestnut. (1) CACLtijdC 43')4 Braudnew flat; will be by June 4 rooms sad bath; $23. I.AI AVJCTTE ISijS Lafayette Park flats, gss. bath, rents rens- nable.

LrXDKJ.L Rock-front airtmcnt of rssems; hot-wator cheap rent. Keeley R- K- 1113 4-5iestnivt st. (1) LAftAULE 2314 3 rooms, second floor. $10.50. Keeley R.

E. 1113 Chestnut t. a LOOl'tri' 8115V Will rent all or part of my o-rooni rut; uuia gnu gas LEASE For rent, cheap, balance of lease on desirable flat In choice locality; party leaving city. Inquire Ozark Cooperage 509 FrVo Fldg. (1) Li'XCH t26 large rooms and 20 per month; first floor.

Inquire upstaim. MAPFITT 4272-In Chouteao i-'mi! aud b-tth; hd't wafer. pL; MAFFrTT 4238 BeauUful new 6-room Cut, tile bath, screens, gas fixtures; all modern improvements; complete July 1. MAGAZINE 5214 Three rooms, rent $13. P.

T. Madden 8313 Easton. MAGNOLIA A 84m4 Six rooms, second fLor, hot and cold water; bath; combination fixtures and acreens. MARKET no culldren. ll06 3 rooma and bath, $17; MI.VX'l-OTA L.tth.

A 2005 First floor. four hot and cold water; rent $1S. MONROE 1112A 4-room flat, front and rear eutiauce; $12. iiOKGA.N 3211 S-r -room uopor flat ai.d iir roi.iis: bn'h and L.rce hall. MORGAN 6053 Elegant six-room flatj screens, fixlures; ranse; open., st. MOKtJAN 4120A iXine rooms, bath, screens, shades, fixtures, hat console, sideboard, bot-water heater, fine and csptlvat-lhit: teys 4120. Zlnk 15 N. 7th st. MORGAN ST-.

4124 Thls very deairabla six-room flat. In nice order: gas fixtures, sbados nnd hot aud cold water; beautiful Weat Morgan bandy to cars; no furnace; rout possession at once or June 25; open. W. Inalls. 1120 Olive st XEiBJAASKA 241 4 -room lower flat and bath; hot and cold water.

Apply 2s3S La-fi jette av. i7. XJiWCaMB 4733 (near Ba-rtrmJ Five i-oyiua aoa narn, i. inquire 43i MATLKBt ST. 3111 Three rooms; OLD MAXCHEdTEB tWIU Two lawn, porches, end of Tower Gimv? "ne.

Taixm a v. Old VK 3432 Six rooms. bath, aecond third fkors. $18. Griffin Ileal Estate llll Chestnut st.

OREGON Four rHma, with bathT Keeley n. E. 1113 Chestnut St. (1) PAGE 43435 rooms aud bath, by July i. inouire tit: no cniioien.

PAGE 4421 teslrabU 5-roos hath, acxeens. flat; gas, C71 I'AGJ- 3j3A Liesirablo upier flat: 0 rooms; screens, nas fixtMres: cpon. PAGE V3W 3 rooma. batli, lauudry; $23. Herrmann, 1127 Chestnut st.

PAGE 4 rooms, second floor, Keeley K. K. 1113 Cutnut. (ii PAGE C2.J7 One lower liat, 4 rooms; ap-ly next kor. ,3) PAGE UU.

43 Five-room flat, bath, fix-tiues, etc; sll latest improvements; $30; open. (Kfo- rooms, rent $27. TO: 4S33 Pace. rooms, reut $30: 433 McMillan rooms, rent will be put in proper order; keys at corner gnxery. Comet ui x.

7th t. PARK A 1214 1 Urktf, brlgut rooms, flat; rent A 3HS" i-'lve-rovuis wat.p. chacdLrrt. screen. bath, hot PARK AV 2SU 4 vi.H hirh ley R.

K. 1113 Chestnut st. (II PARK A 32MA Sis roou-. and bath; key atJri.g Con.ptou and Park. PAKK 34.ii.V-H iTndsome-H room fTa7f several car llnea; open.

Mci.anu, lilt PABK A 2T34 Five rooms; bath, gas. electric fixtures: r.i linnirr- speakln? tubes. Kialoch Victor 27S, Bell t.rsnd 74j PilAUillv 2317 floor flat. 4 rooms and bath: rem $is. RILG A tHias7 bath, fm-naoe.

screen. 4i. RllXiK A Reduced to $-H); rooms, olive or Suburban car lines. Greer iC E. HIKijE 3062.4.

riio.lrn flat; all envoi, inures: fol cundltloa. Keeley K. E. 1113 Cteetaat st. Oi A Wi-H F.l flat of 4 "nis and bath; funis.

e. screens, fchsdes. aud laundry; gas rauTO: three lines: Pase. Easiou and Suburban; -hiidrcn. 4 rooms, bath, newiy 121 fcia ti.

3oo7 Market 3 ruis, $14 Iuqnire H'23 Penn st. r.l. 442 -3 "roVms" "iautiUnr. yarl; iierraiaiui. i -i'u RI TGKR 222T- tietaelied' fist.

8 rooms ami hall room, elderly couple; rent reasonable, HCSSELL AV 2OIA-3 room a and bfitb; $3,1 Griffin Real fstale 11U Cl.tnut at. ST, AiXG A 4 r.i-4ii so hlth. $19. JK-T Chentnot SC 9T. I.4t-M' A 7r223 A --Jl I 1 Jiil1 ail cc rcrilencr VINCLwNT ZHtiy plat and Wfcir; cWauJeUeni; screen.

iist -serrti r.xiiu.s; flior: ii Cttiirrs, (as range, hot and cold water; I'M cv i tii baih; in or Sirf'tirlwa cars; fep iSli new store: oiUy $13; opea. P. Fullerton Bid. 14 Words. 30c.

aU right Monday, 2 p. m. K. LHSONAL B. Munditiirer: S-tid address at once to 1M4 Frankllu av.

iiiuNAL Mary Wolf: call at 1-v'i mi 4L-J iy What'' to c-31. Sun Jay jru -veiling. 1-p RS4INAL Mrs. Mex. luiiortaut M.

HiiM.srd. Guedklalara. uiiu.i.v news anaits juu. Ad. 01 ourse, puiia.ielph a.

1P.USONAL Minnie: WiHe or phone nie; am nn.iious to see yii. Alfred. Ad. i h. PERS.AN AL Kay jju faj-e seaiiug you.

Amnvi. latlin. io you readze that fie fate of one who b.fes ilriial 1 1.. C-a. Del.

PF.RSONAL Attractive maiden. wealthy, wants wl'houi delay kind husl-and; bouest, upright men. replv. Ad. Ellis, box 7M.

Ok-laboma 4ity, O. t. PL RS. iN A Anvoue to know what biiully cired me of BrisliC Disease and Bladder Trouble, address It-route F. odaveu.

3247 Vernon Chicago. FLiTsoNAl. Rich gentleman, in business. In 4-me over yearly, desires the ot a kiud hearted lady to tae charge of home with view to matrimony; no objection to work lug girl. Mr.

Xorten, It. IKI 5th Chicago. PERSON AL (. Ir.1r111.rg lady, c.f good api-ear-ence and worth mairca to m-et a object, uistrluiouy ot. lection: will nslvt husband financially at once.

Ad. Min. Morton, room 2d, A. ild Times Chicago. liu.NAL-llw o.irty tin fnm vacant 1H5 Bayiid lot of siat'ouery.

private letter and lace front for dress la I uown; unless are miily retunned to G. Jeuius. 422S Castleman they vi-! is? pr-Stc'l tel. PtliSO.VAI. Lost my piu.j.lea, blackheads, tan and sunburn by using Mme.

piolinv Stunlev's Niagara it a coniplexion 5(m-; nil druKRlsis. Lady d'-moiistrator at Grand-Leader Toilet Goods A'siln floor. DETECT I VP: tixi-rtl absolute )iox S3li, St. sha Jo crc4'y Loula. Ing and In-best refer- (8) vesrgatii.B; er.

P. O. PHYSICTAXS who want to I.imi. room iiA. 17 Iieartorn at.

increase their lu-e- U. J. Chicago. iOl'It I'uKl'l ToLI Send name and S1- dress. 2c Hump ami date or rtrtn, au.i I will s-ud a Mn-plrture of your life from tiie cradle to the grave.

Prof. Le A mil, Dept. P. Bridpeport. Conu.

1UIING your old watches. Jewi-lry,, get cash, iiowulng i X. 7th. ui'LD, suvcr aim iiui'-i pa.ius: in II it repairiug OJU suvencare ialty. Guatav M.

Krause, 617 2.1 floor. ine and silverware, gold plat-inc watctees. Jewelry; i-ash for old or silver and plstlnum. Downing Cv platers, X. 7th st.

BOATS. 14 Words. 20c. BOATS P'or sale, new and second-hand steam and gasoline boats. G.

c. Marsn, ucm anu Lngiue Bioker. btaiO S. Levee. BO A IS.

For sale or exchange, new auu aeifoud-lutnu gasoline bouts and engines. i. C. Marsh, yacht aud engine broker. OWX) S.

J.ever-. LAUNCH For sale, gasoline lsuncb, 25x5; 8-horsepowtir. Ad. 317 W. Steins at.

UlNOU-i'or sale. $li: foot Kix4 ft. gasoline of J'aim t. II. launch.

Smith. irvcti For le. essoline launch. run 6 to 7 miles per hour; stern wheel. loo'J Chambers cheap.

LAUNCH For sale. 30-foot ateel-aull launch, iilf cabin, dron lnUws. insiue, lines aud 4-01llDiet WIIU es: cornier aasonue tans; ooai auu engine g.d as new; usd one year; $800; a big barcaln. Ad. A 170.

Poat-Dlapatch. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. 14 Words. 20c. ALL kinds ladles' and gent' bought.

Send rotala. Dav! cast-off clothing 1535 S. Broad CAMliUA cU-ap -New camera, 4x7 for cash. lStJiA or WxS4: Nei4stuad. CAilEitA Wtd.

Small i'iaj, and price. folding camera; Ad. 1 ISO. give camplxg OUTFIT Wtd. To rent, tent and camping qui fit.

Ad. 130, Poat-Ulspaitch. COINS, i.tiuijd postage suuip. old gnus and wcni.or.g wanted; foreign money excuiingeu. St.

1.0'; Smnip sud Co'n 115 N. llth.iv FANS Wtd- One or two A. O. 110-volt deak i FURNIT f5tfi ETC, Wtd. 2d hand household roods, office desk.

Befit diivlug double har ness aud harnitsa, second hand boggy, piano. Ad 13. ost-Uia. HAVE VOL lost your furniture through fallute to mpke paninis? We return to you 73 per cent you have pld. National arter So Chemical Bldg.

Ti Hliiliivi' i.rlce for geuts aid tiothlng. shoes feafhers. postal: will calL l'atkeinan. y8 Iliirh st. HOI Wtd.

600 bo nackee pern Ui wml ilielr Tmtiii and addresses and re celve a beautiful present free; nothing but lour name and ad-ress reoulred. Jti A. Pierce lboii Diddle St. Louis. Mo.

LATHE Wld. 12 to 14-iucn engine lathe. fi 2. Box LAUNCH Wtd- To charter gasoline launch 2B feet loiia- or more, for three month, with Drivllege of live months; six borse power or more. Must be In perfect condition.

Reference aud aecurlty given. Ad. 11. Post-Dlsjiatcb. Wtd.

Moving plctuie slot ma chines, price. Ad. Box 74. Wt. Joe.

Ark. RAILROAD TICKET Wtd. turu ticket to llttaburg, 3. I'leit-Dlspatcb. Will purchast at once.

re-Ad. RIFLE make. W.d. Ad. iZ target; state prlca 140.

Post-Dispatch. and T) STF.TtLOP'neON Wtd. Diasolvini ere4ptl- cn; s'-w irlce and make. A.l. 32.

STOOLS Wtd. Three or four me: al aoda sto4l. 12-in. seat prercireil. Afapiewooa Vlt-tr soi WANTED A soft drink auperlor to anything on market: I I pay for right tnlng.

Ad. A 118. (H) WANTED Geuts' old clothing; suits frun $1 to overc4at. (2 to S3.

Kinloch Dl l-l-L Main 'Afi: featiiers. 33c; postal, will call. GIllH-rt. 141 Asrr St. WATUJil HEATER Wld.

as water heater, sta-iM ao1' taake. Ad. 27. Post-Ida. "NICK LL "PLAt I Alo sold, sliver, brssa and e4pner plating: re- nalrina-.

oxidising and lacnucrtua. at r-esonable rates. DEGGK A Ml lli'K 717 710 Msr- IJ POULTRY AND 14 Words. BIRDS. I.iK7S Per sale.

2 4.1 s. canary birds; Ln atng L-i ll i'or stt.e. SHlUf rn fprmg. luoi-kiug bird.

I'ne 3403 ETC. For sale. Parrot liillmi. mitti-w kltfers. ferrets.

Mr-is. dogs all sorts; cheap. WebrOian. 4IT Wiluuv CANAr.IHSFor saie. luujorted rollers and leiiiaies snd ca4.

I'homus. i su.e. buff mm, 'or bstch.n. It. r'rrvtmtxt.

v- oa i.r..u cs CHICKLXS-For i i g.ilv ssle. bsrred rock and ai.d eg, W. tiei.airlri2 ri rahUaet liny or ira-Je t.iT tVyaJiioll of II my: tsou 4.11 awi guaranteed. av.

7 per I i' fc- M. Hriga, a. -J 1M 1 B.t.OH. ati'. -tat aale, oli-rr rnl at.r.

hii and a rotattar. with 30 uii( cti'i rnp, fNfc.i t.twim av. P'loe lot double yeiluw ii' bsiid raisnd. tl week old I 4 to 112 pa, year, W-auului vi.t-riber. 3 f4ccc4a.

fiept let poultry paper; Pa ly llairsted. foe year: lsrrs i.ry fre to nw m.rlhs' trtsl. le. Po4try -ringbeia. 4.

ilica wiae white Freo -u pets all klajt. 1J Waiklin. Pi'. tJiSf p'r sale, ttisted piel. Tor aijvan rwn: UU tuwn; i per ptr.

4244 Cook av. SKVEXTKENTH S22 S. 3 rooms; $10. Herrmann. 1127 st.

SHAW 4540 flat, with large stable aud yard; take Southampton car. SilAWML'T n. 13li2A Six rooms bath; furnace: h-'t aud cold waier: reception hall; gas fixtures, GrlSffln. Real Pis-itto llll Chestnut st. SilF.XAXL'OAn 4VJ Nice, modern S-rooin flat, nicely decorated; screens, etc.

SHBXAXIfAii A and7 "room modern flats; rent SVS snd $. John A. Watkina Chestnut st. siTEx.VXlOAU A 3l07A Xewly modern 0-roorn flat; Vroumaii. 8Hi N.

kI STOt'DAIlD 2S2JA Six-room modern Hat; will put iu sood repair: open; $25. John ret her 1013 Cuestnnt st. lltTJYTTi'l Sfiie-nTri-iFooms and bath; newly papered, palutod: sanitary idumbiDg: g.s iiitures; larae yard. Rent reduced, $2.30. Si LL1VA.N 2'H7A Modem -roora upper fat, in pindell I'grk: h'o-'k east of Grand.

T11E OIXIA A 3934 Klofffint new flaTi Just coiiiiileted all screens. shades, fixture, launtiry, turnace; rent $25. I'tttiJ-'Tll S. Five roon.s and botl. tic TWLNTV-FIBST Hot) X.

3-room fiat; lt tloor; i.cwly decorated; keys on premises. 7i VAXDEVEVTEIl 2403 3-room upper flat; gas, porch; gxd repair; $14; open. Vr5nAn'. v7. 404 1471 1 4713 A Finely a7-ruug'-d 3 and fi room flats: ecreens, pas fltr tures and everv convenience: Janitor service; $2S and co-ji M.

B. O'Reilly U. 723 Chestnut. sitiK A New apartments; 6 rooms: all modf-rn conveniences; perfectly llght4-d and ventilated; fixtures, screens. t7) 2tX'T 3 rooaui aud barh, $16 Keeley R.

F. H13 Chestnut. 1 1 WALXL'T 234 Five rooms, -bath and w. c. second floor.

Apply 1st door. WAKREX 4-room flat;; modern. WEXjJs A 3322 Five rooms, bath, iras, hot and cold water, screens, furnace, gas armies; near Suburban and other cars; no children: will be vacant Mondsy. WELLS AV 534S ANrTfv350A Just com-pieiel; fine 5 aud 6 room Hats, each with bath, gas fixtures, butier'a pantry, separate furnace, hot water, lawn, large yard cemented cellars: $27.50 for 1st floor flat and $K0 for 2d fliwr; open. Mississippi alley Trust 4th and Pine sts.

fitji WEST CABA.NXE Four rooms; $15. X. S. Wood, l15 Chestnut st. iVIM'siir; 3824 rtetfaat six-room flat, chandeliers, shades, screens, furnace; nicely decorated; open; $30.

(7 iSE 6432 New six-room flat; bath: gas, steam-heated; adults only; Market car. Hamilton Hotel Apartments Booms single or en suite, with bath. per week np. Moals, table d'hote and a la carte. Cuisine unsurpassed.

Olive tsirough. Suburban and Pag cars; orly .10 minutes. (asi) TO LET BUSINESS PURPOSES. 14 ni.j. 20c.

BARN Lower part of barn, suitable for two horses and wagon. Inquire 334 Lindell. BROAJjWA. 1114 to 4 X. Stores for com-mission men.

Hermann, 1127 Chestnut. URXAlvAY, 151-1533 X. Second floor, 4si apply on premises. BrsiXKS T.LM ATIOX Front gard.E.. honae; good location for ice cream, w.

jio, CHLatti 1303 Large store; will make first-class feed store: rent cheap. EULE R. g. 1113 Chestnut. (1) CLARK Lit4 and 6 fliLgle and double store; chsap rent.

lierrmarm, H27 Chestnut st. UEXTAL OFFICE For sale, a dental office with established practice In a good location: all con i enie.uces both phoues. Ad. K5. Post-tiispstch.

OtJdK Rocil WiLh line large tlesk and use "-Tiivjuc, private room, iceas blag. DESK AW) SHOW ROOM-Both phone-; full service. Knight 1214 Olive. DESK BOOM In Laclede room 186, ioi aaie li aesired (s IKujIU Flue oftice; $10. 420 Lincoln rust Ploy.

DESK ROOM Nicely furnished, coal office; $5 per njont ny- J.u.ijigiop XMUg. (1 DESK ROOM Desk, phone, light, electric fans, $13. X. 7th Lincoln Trust yromid tjoor. DESKftOOM Furnishea Ueekroom, In cen-traiiy located otdce building.

Ad. 11 Post -Dispatch. DEsKLOoM With telephone; eteoographer and notary iu office. 21i Pozcni S21 st. ELEVENTH AND VICTOR ST.

Old stand grocery or anything else; 3 or tj rooms. FLfiUH.S Well-ltoteu doors. 1S0O fetn. $13; S'JW feet, $23; 6000 feet, $30. Warren, liOo N- i t.

i62) FLOOR: Well lighted floors: IWXI feet, $13; 30J0 feet, $23; uood feet, $33; 4IO0O feet, 0. arteu. 2o N. 2d st. IKAMvL.N A 312 Second and third floors, factory, oculist, photogruphcr; cheap.

Ad-ply 321 Franklin av. (f, GA.RRISON A.Y.. l'X)2 Btable or stall, also wagon room aud use of telephone. GEER A tili room, seevnd LoorT i'xoo; for light manufacturing. i2i GltXD A 1123 tine offices for doctor: been a location for 23 years.

AI.Ailtt'iiK6SIXU I'AlvLGR. 3.44I3 Ohve fine location; llvins rooms In connection; manicurist m-xt door; ateam heat and Janitor ser-Ucy: rent $30. GHEER ESTATE 71 Chestnut st. (7) JEP'FERSON 17. X.

Larve store; eulr-able for any business: rent reduced. Wm. WaldecK 10 N. th st. LACLKDE Brick stable; modern.

LEE A 4101 First-class business location, for doctor, babrber, butcher, baker, now ready. LOCLST 022 Lare room for office or lif-rht m.iioifaet'jrinir. $12. LOCL l-i3 Second floor; iocat.oa for liuntyper. binder, ruler or light mfg.

LVXCil 1043 Store and 4 rooms. LVVC1I JVli Largo store; $11. mann. 1127 Chestnut st. Herr- A 8iS-Utl store and rooms; $12.

llerrmaun, 1127 st. MAKbKT 1707 (llaif block from Station) larjo sto: e. Herrmann, 1127 Chestnut at. XKLVKASKA Sijop and stable; electric and water. oi ICE l.v pnva's oQlve aud thone.

3" (-) OFFICE BOOMS Sultablo for dentist or studio: oin.Mte liauiilton Hotel, over Rose Hill Pharmacy. OFFICE'S Corner 7th aikd Pine; fronting both streets; weil lighted and ventilated; steam heat and Janitor service; i ilentl bljg. extern and fireproof. Jbn 'Maguire Real Pstste 107 X. fcth st CMJVK Jtue irjore.

2.Xi5; near ujri-' rj splendid bustnees PA KlAjRa or specialist; lave front and back parlor, nicely finished, slnsle or eo suite; In handsome realdeui- on prmilneut street. South Side; unobstructed light and cool; to five car linca; near Latarelle Park; lo minutes' walk to new City Hospital; 2 minutes to PoetolTlce; all convrtUances: (11 aud electri-liy: ph-me; livin rooms If desired: ressonable. Ad. t0. PINE eiti on second floor and enure third snd fourth floor.

See K-rey R. PI 1113 Chrainut st. 1 iLE.ASP: look aF 4'r7lTur, plate-glass, both fronts: celUmr la feet I'g'i: not a dark soo; la buildl; grajilot i bae- luent: electric steain neat. War-, ren, C. X.

t. ruxiM Large xui 4th '7i i- i ana Miive. for lig-ht msna'acturlr-g or Mai its Jewelry Co. -eieral roouls for V.gM lusiMLUetur kg can ieaw If desired. Knter- I.

1.0; lltil t'd SIS. Ri.KWIS F.lctrant roms for t.uvs!clss' and dentists' offices be bu'ldiiig on Ponrh Grand av A 7-12. bewsn 1 aad 1 tv 7. b4 Ilvinsr nenl ST. CHAHLLS lik-PartofIiibt' for patters s.aker oilier llglit work; $10 per If fte-cary.

For sale, aiao rio--ry iiwl aniean. Apply in forenoon at the American Brewing Co. ji) Warrauce Grayme Sanitarium Per iaiiia-s, -wfiievtiis and adopOa- 'faia iiitltgi Ion ass lor a ted with a view to toe and comfort of patients: tieet M4leml Irvaiment: -rfet ventliatlon; Insictln li--fu-o. oil or write Franklin TUC HOT WEATJIKIl Will brlna freckles, taa aad aamboni; to.

vent and re 4 tfeea a make jonr eev-i l. xloo Keantlfnl. ujm Mute. Kollne Htsnlej a Nisgara Spray. It a s'iar uleect, all drag-gists.

I-a-Jv st Ore ad Leader. AgenU sisnted. Write Stauley-Detrk-k tot-Ict til. Imta. Literal teriua.

A Dt.iA II I-PUlS. ipvivaie does shadow an4 refs. P. O. lies 770.

ait. l-MZI-tlklHt. 131 4 best nut st re4 fC.iiaV and ehrotilo diea-4 jeais' Ell 3-' AM. lis ma d'es sbmild send Ur f-e trial Bs-Inr sale Mr all lablels for women druggists. Ad.

P.akanu Tablet (aaut. p. St. loula. Mo.

AU.LMO rrnnpletUm 2S days' res lineal. X. Pth at. tablets: safe and $1. Medical a "ire; 107 A (Ml) DR.

I'Ayj-'-! n-nli never falls. fi fr--" j' a. 4 n-() 2244 Washington female apeclaw lat, years' experieuce; opium. UyuOr hW4 Dr. Smith, 3043 Kastoa Peelusion l-f-re and during eonflfce seat? Irrjne ressonable.

For particulars call Polli phones. I.iceosed. ALL LAI'IK-S will pleaet-d after eonsults-t 4n and exatulnat free. Mr. Dr.

Mary Murphy. 2ol8 olive Wash rl.Hir; Bell and Kinloch phones alao I lace, A Dr. Dennis, WRKhiiiflfton Rerular llcenaed nhyalelan. aneeeafilly treat ail leuisle truublra: the tu.eit relish! esnltarl- uiu for conf in. i--nts in this cltr; perfect ss elusion and kiwi treatment; trained nureee; adoption if desired; lorn cat terms; years' experience.

(as Doctor llocran. 2215 Olive Mellcal and surgical dteaa of won. SB ape- i laity. lU-s'iliirlr I'utleuta rvc-ived at any Cme ta-fhre aad ar- ug caullneineut sdopiton If desired; trained nurses, home comforts ladles, rail or write; cr liitenf 11 tenna tsnM. t.

Inls. (Hf vapor hatha for rhenms'lsm. Wlh and Pine-. Rn. Rennlst Bldg.

hour tl to EAPLtTA.VT mo'iiers: Avoid the serrlWe pain of childbirth, relieve the ailinsnit of prcgnsncy; nae "M4thr'a Relief:" send fot-free trial and iwicelcsa lnf.vma.lwu. National Medical insiltwte, Milwaukee. Wla. Al'lES Save time I rauklln and money limirs by calUng at 14 at. lb) LAl'llX Call and ce me; age complete treat ment free.

Mr atarr. 19 rranklln, fiw LAJMIX. coiiault an exjierlenced. skillful phy sician; sclent. uc treatment, lycio institute.

Mo Olive 3th floor. (3) LADIP7S desiring treatment consult me. Whitley. 4231 Evans av. Phone Lindell k7T.

LADlhiS will not regret railing on lloi- ud: lowest terms; conflneineut take. 374a i at. IS) Ll. ENSED sanitarium for ladles; adoption I for female eoniplaluta; 20 yrar' tnrtrtenrw; aeeltaitna; trained nurses; board, $4 week and op; Toarer tirova or Coiupton cars. 2t10 Accotuac at.

Phone lsTM. H) MEN If you ar weak or undeveloped, hav lost strength, our Am Vacuum I will restoiT you, without drug or elHrtrity; I ret Ural instruct loo and Varicocele pertna-la nae; uently cured In 1 to 4 weeks; 73,000 not one fallnre. Write for free bnaife; aent sealed In plain Acme Maf. 4., 7tU Barclay bik Iienver, Ctdo (a MORPHINE, ppium, laudanum, cocaine habit; myself cured, wilt In tor yon er narraleaa pcrinaiieot boms cure. Aire.

Baldwin, box 1212. Chicago, III. fW) MitS. A. SCHR HCTIP.H aacelvea ConOaMBaenta; IfcsiaMMV (8) Ir.d'ea enil.

vMfJ FrankJia MR. UOEIJvK. formerly Mra. Reiner, Id- wife. riM-elvlug ladles during confinement: ladlea call at 2232 Clark av.

MHS. DK. ANNIE NEWLAVp. CbaCucoenta; trained nnrslnf: elecant ae- coiiunodalions; adoptlfn If desired; oaiy pri vate, rriiabiv. scciiwie.i.

jiensea ncwoe. w--n you will rectlve good treatment and, with all home comfort; perfeet eatlaf ac tion guaranteed. laidlea. call car write; confi dential. S3S1A Olive st.

(A) MliS M. DIEHL. 1014 N. JaCenoa n- cnjvea craiOuententa and ai)4bllon work part par. plyaleta Mrs.

Dr. Maryvwurpay Ianrrat aanltartnm In Bt. Louis: 'rr rfK.m atrjcfly private; ajlegantly furalahed- all new; csoqfluemeut ce a aneclalty; lasitsaw call or write; all patienta ami at the station I infanta adopted; part pay In work if Oesirrd. 201 ouva st. l) S.

BUUJGPS. BeewMKS doctor: fica ijir. 1 to except Wednesday and HeaOay iAay. Lc)-le Hell Mi1e! 9. Mtb.

Ml -ill ioh out to eases ves CKniineuient case: examlnatJon and cib'Uatlon fsee; Lnfsnt adopic-d; part 'pay In worhj CsU or wrl.e. fta Wash) at (T PRIVATE dlaeaaea oulcklv nresj: a. Boon medlrlaa furnished: on treat meat Ira. i. wrzA jv.

lth at RF.SToKE your gray hair to tta natural eolcrt narmies: never fella: su nar-a and addrsaa for full parttealars. agate Ida Itemed Phanioklo. Dept. J. TAPE WORM expelled without alokutea: ewr guaranteed; call or writ.

Medical ICTA N. tttb t- mi) VOl1t name and e44rea rrtntest with en. graved tp on li Jinea carta, mailed Jot it-o. parron iTintinjr i O. Al.L ri PKK P-ilTo ui hairs.

moka. red verut, Mrtutuark. permsmen removed wit electric needle. MIS A. (XjoKB.

17 Welts Bldg OH at IVe Want Your Name and Address Anybody baring Theumr1m of ay ktnd, no matter ho lvi.S standing, can te aud eured by our remasly, -rlthoal injury la stoma, guarantee lo rxtro ef case; un care, tto pey. cta xxithliie im-vesttgala. Don't delay; call at awu-e. 414 Bell av. A PIUVATK HOME lo cc*ntry for tb treat oxsbt of coI)ai)i1ls and a.l private diastases of ssmi; afroM you n-J tt oar ot expert ptiyslctaa.

draa lws Oitve st. MATRIMONIAL. 14 Word. MATRIMONTf Want to get acqoaluted wit yimng lady matrtnKinlaii Inclined. Ad.

111. IW Dtapaivk. MAIBIMON Lone KeuUeuaa waol Jewish a lte; will Biake honeat, tnm baud. Ad. 1 27.

Poet Lilspalck. MA UtlMONY 4-arg lisli aaif atatnped for naiuea and address-; pay whea Southern C. s-ewpwrt. Ara. UaiRlsoiue yean tady wanting geutieuiau vwt-epuuji-jit tsbjsrt mairtia'ny.

Ad. 1'cU Bos ailfornU. Mo. MA 1 lilii 1 ouf.g is.Ty. wii4 Ilk tn ln.t blonde genliesDan.

23 to 25, early umTiuioi.T. Ad. L4, faat rc4 lady wwui.l meet ui.Jdie-egrd Catholic widuwer. iwuaat 4t St. L41; object, ma tr Ad.

A I3). Post-Lts patch. MATR1Mo4.N1-.wuac man. atraaaer la m. J4il wast aueel Pad JTa tifoan rye, obje.

WCr -tunny. Ad. MAi KiMuN Aiare ceBlleman 4luaiulau if l.r :e.ilti.l. seaalbl. eeaas-aisl louts lady: object aoatiliaMiy.

A4. 11 ad. I'uil -Dispatch. MAP KlkltiNT Protrsemnal Prenr aaatlMMa 4l4lre cjuia4aiK aha rounf ia.ll or wlj-(i Ith meaus; vi.J4 1 wairiiuvay. Ad.

al wt, ATiUMOXY America wkdiier. aail. no children, on relative, wealth. hta and IllMual, situ a i4 coaipaa a-e ii All 12. IWl'i Ox MATIviM.J.SY Yv4ii mm whi has ayuc biialae.

stsndia. Is4-4ie. aeatr- c- fut4 llr, 4Si'Jrt HutrtaBHtty. Ad. 0 27.

It Mai iti --iiriu4 iiw, tnrvii t. iUi la csTat.uJ silt rawvJia Hta bituertUa Oiati liaotiy. Ail. It.

I'ui puiairi iMInMa desire te. aoatt.rsnrai fund kwhlaa isswai an 4t44. BMUiUMMiy. 11 lag, t'Mt Inspatch JTi--lki' 11 a-Wd seed $3 1 1-uo. Uaa la carvvapnad wt'li ailh Ueruts thoMr pasfenasl: a -t aairiHf 44 lfA.

t. il 1l a4WBlatac of vi t-Ww klws veer-, ne-ject. aMitrlaMsx. Ad. SPiV ENTH ts34 8.

Large shed and stahie. SFiT" ENTi rST 210 X. Large room. SOxiW: 2d floor; rent or lease; $75 per month. Mississippi Valley Trust 4th and Pine.

SIXTH 111-115 S- Rooming house; 27 moms. W. S. Haben. o7 Chestnut St.

SVAJiLtR Conveniently located, room for 14 holies. Bt. iiaries. 0) S'lVULi Larfce e.ore. i'a-e coruer 4)th; ehevp Ijcrrmann.

1127 Chestnut st. "STORES AND ROOMS 17oli-17C3 3. 7Ui st. inguire within. 1 STORE For rent, part of grocery store for buu-uer shop, good stand.

Call corner Euclid and Page. STUllB In tne elegant located C-abanne Arcade suitable for any retail business. Robert M. Xoonan. Ag-ent, 704 Chestnut st.

STORES For lease; 11 S. 3d 1st floor, aud 9 S. 3d 3 stories snd basem*nt: rent whether or separately; cheap rent; apply on premises. STOKE Store and 8 rooms, corner Brady av. and Main East St.

Iouis; suitable for restaurtnt aud famished rooms; call at B'duie eviy. STORE For rent, a good general country store, close to Catholic Church and chl. with few sT of land: only store within 7 miles. Ad. Post-Dispatch.

STORif.OOM CWner storeroom, 27x100. and baeu.cnt; steam and electric power p'anta In buildiug: excellent location fon any basl-ness; will crrabge space to suit tenant; power if detired. Metropolitan East -t. Iouis, 111. W.

P. Laun's, owner. TAJSM-AC6EH CAFE For rent. 100-111 St. Inn Brewtnf tS) TUIKD 1117 to SI N.

Commission house stores, rjerrmann, 1127 Chestnut St. WARXE 2100 Store. near beautiful O'P'allon Park; good business corner; call and see. ANIMALS. 14 Words.

CoW AXD CALF P'or sale, good family cow and calf; will soil sepirate. 3753 Pine. COVvT ET4A For sale, a new milk cow and delivery 4201 A Farlin av. COWS For sale, two Jersey cow calves, yearlings; can be seen at 4247 Magnolia av. OOW saie, young Jersey cow, $28; very gentle.

1G2SA Semple av. COvV Wtd. in exchange for furniture. 5o, Post-Dispatch. Ad.

CO AXD CALF P'or sale, fresh cow aud caif. cheap. 8S33 Pestalozzl st. COW For saie, Jersey cow. Call at 2ati2 Ar)jton uv.

COWS P'or sale, cheap, 3 good French family u.iik cows; selling 41fV Juniata st. XjW Por sale, good cow and calf. Atp 1218 Goodfellow between Julian and nd Pa te CO COW, ETC. P'or sale, nice Jersey cow, also Osbotue glass-cutting machine, almost new; cbejiD. 503s Delmar bl.

(XV AND OADF For sale, fine Jersey cow and calf. 1430 Rowan av one block south Rlnkle's Grove. COW AXD CA LP" P'or sale, fresh Jersey cow and calf: call If you want somethrng good. 342S Arlington. DOG P'or saie, well-marked fox terrier pup if iinale), 3 mouths old.

2U07A Kjasuth av. DOG FoPsaieC fox terrier bitch, 4 years tdd; food ratter; cheap. Ad. 171, Post-Dls. DOG Wtd- co*cker spaniel, male, about 1 year old.

412C DOGS For sale, high-bred iiugllsh pointers; $2S apiece. 3127 Thomas St. DOG P'or sale, young puppy; line watchdog; good ratter; cheap. ltx4 5. Jefferson r.

DOG Fox sals, JCaquiinaux Soitx; male pup; 8 months old; snow white. N. 6th. DOG For sale, pedigreed bull terrier; 1 year old. tine watchdog.

10S Belt av. DOG For sale, English bulldog, 4 years old; flue watch dofr Call 3531. X. Taylor it.) DOG Wtd. A small pet dog: good breed and young.

Ad. 130, Post-Dispatch. DOGS P'or tale, thoroughbred black and tans; 6 weeks old. Ad. 154.

Post-Dispatch. DOGS For sale, 2 very fine grayhounds i.c 4 bargain. Call at 193)1 Ixmlslana av. i2 lOG P'or sale, long, silky-haired Yorkshire terrier; one puppy out of 25 left. 3020 Nebraska.

DOG 'For sale, geuulne curly white French boodle; cheap; party leaving city. 11c-Nair av. DOG For sale, floe Boston terrier pupa; aui taule for runabout or auto. 3432 School st. rear.

Jjqq For sale, fine brlndle bull; first-class watchdog aod well marked; reasonable. Call 1HI2 X. 17 th st. LOG P'or sale, good young hound, 8 months old. pedigree.

Sir Guy; $3. Mrs. Smith, 1447 Mndisou st. DOG Er aa'e, one blooded water spaniei bitch. 9 months old; cheap; call today or evoiiipjts this weelc, 1120 N- Sarah st.

DOG For sale, pedigreed St. dog; something fine. Ad. Reust Pino Lawn P'arin, St. Ixuls County.

DOG For sale, fine female Scotch coUie, suitable for breeding; will sell her cheap, as owner is goine to leave city. 2312 Wash t. DOGS For sale, full-biooded bull teTrlor pups; alao bitch, 8 years old. Owstan. Lausdowne take Lansdowne car from bridge.

East St. Louis, 111. DOGS P'or sale, two first -class foxterrier stud dogs, $10 and $13 each, and a number of fine young females for ssle; inclose stamp for catalogue. J. O.

Walton, Belle Plains, lo. (W PiGGS P'or sale. the setting or 100; whi anl brown Legitorna, Plymouth Rocks, black Jdinorcss, white Wyan.lottes and silver-spangled lla3burgs. Coburn's Mammoth. Poultry Farm: Main 34st.

Kinloch A31W4. GOATS, ETC. For saie. goats, harness and cart snd wagon. 4112 Cook av.

GLTXE. ITGS For saie, guinea pigs. 431G l'Jth at. HOl'XD Wtd. A rabbit hound.

Post -Dispatch. Ad. S3. POODLES P'or sale. French toy poodles, male.

3y0t Delmar bl. PL'PPIES For sale, curly brown puppies, 3 montlis old; price $1. 2004 Indiana a v. PL'l'S P'or sale, thoroughbred i-olnter pups, 7 weeks old p.ird av. For sale, all whlta silk poodle pups very cheap.

SI 10 X. Broadway. PVPS For sale, two fox tern-r pnr: Ft-od rtock; fc-msi: reaonahie. 2-K'7 Sullivan. PC PS P'or sale, pedigreed pointer pups.

1S21 Xe-raska. PITS P'or sale, poodle puppies; small kii lVi'S white coats; blaik noas. 1340B Callfyruta. PVPS For ssle. pedigreed bull terrier S- up: sire and dam registered.

13i.3 Kien-len sv. Wellston. I'fPS P'or sale, fine St. Bernard pova- use Mujlewood or Mcramcc Highlands car. Suburban line.

li5 McCtaualaLd av. t7- RABBITS P'or sale, raid 3- pair. Call or iu; evening 2S10 S. 10th. SEWING MACHINES! UJiVrvlaOc A I J.

makes sowing machines. $.1 to $13; repulred st your home. $1: saeUies parte, li. Kneruiau. bin at.

BUY the light-running Neiv hom*o direct al cltv oifioe. Franklin. Bell Main 2T7.H. Kluloch 1HVT2. 161 ST.

LOITS Sewing Machine Repair Shop; established IS51I; most reliable place for repalr-iag: stork a-oaraiiteed. M. Franz, 1 4v7 P'rsnkLn mr "sFVt'ING MACIIIXE-P'or sale, drophead oak wood 3-drawer Xcw Horn: like new; a.l rjn $43; sell foe $13; leaving city. 1713 GRSAT bargain this week: new sewtrg only 1.4 lio up; guaranteed.

New ork M- li.y Machine ill Frank-llu. Bell Main iT77s. Km. iti) sliWIXG p'or sal. aliht'y used Wheeler 4c WlL-tm drophead aewiu; machine; call 17IA X.

iod St. M-lv ISxi MACni. E- Por sale. While machine, with ail attaehmeijt; best ord-r; only $7. 25t Warren.

SEWING MACUIXLCS For aale. wing machines, all, alt prk-et; $2 up, cash time. S16 X. 6th st. Sr3WINJ MA.U1INTJS For sale.

i good blab-arm na Lines of ail nukes: $2 up; guaranteed New Voik Sewing Machine 10 Pfa-h, la- Main 2.. fc.ini.h I.7X WL K.i'AlR any sewing for $1, guars uted i vvars. Xew Home Sewing M. chme. rlfy office, 12u FiaukUn.

Bell Mala 2770. Kinloch La72. ii).

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.