The News Tribune from Tacoma, Washington (2024)

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DIAL DIRECT TO CLASSIFIED-572-951 1 D-10 Tacoma Thun April 24 I97S Tha News Tribunt 560 640 unfurn Houses SOS Household Goods S02 Wonted to Buy Misc SOI Building Mattrials 550 Gorden Supplies Plants SOS Household Goods S10 Musical Instruments SOI Building Materials SOUTH HILL LUMBER TRUCK LOAD SALE Ext Tl-11 Shop Plywood Siding llltA 4411 lillV S4S IlHlH 465 4 I I 4 455 lllll 15 llllS 16 4 47 75 4 10 I 35 Fir and Cedar Stock Only SOUTH HILL LUMBER 1071) 117th Avf Puvollup (Directly behind WrHiowi Shopcmg Center 1 845-7589 USED lumber tar seielsll alankina 3x6 TAG 44 TAG beams 4s4 thru IlslO various lengths mil deliver soo loos WANT used canoe alum or fiber-glass 13-14 eves 7SO-OS3) el 502 Wanted to Buy Misc ALL METALS GR 30430 BUY ANYTHING! Furniture teals OUflS misc LO 0715 BUY lawnmewers and BR 31411 SK 14403 outboards CASH lor eir compressor power saws drill press winter lathe loots elec meters 4454058 5010 04lh CASH tor good working refrigerators Upton's 1701 Tacoma Ave So FU 3-3SSI GOLD-SILVER WANTED Geld and silver cams paid rings scrap gold denial goM i sterling silverware halt dollars I lessee Call us before you sell John I sten's BAI Com Shop 0013 So Tec Wav 3044741 JACUZZI whirlpool Sumner 043-470! bath pump A APPLIANCES wlU buy your repairable appliances 474-4030 OLD clocks watches 303-1121 OLD COINS wanted Estimates given SWSI77 544-5300 oft 4 REPAIRABLE TV'S Reas 753 0050 Repairable 1134 washers-drvers LO 4- iReprbie ranges retries LO 4-1034 SMALL movMbte officf bWg Uitd cor lot type Coll 47S-3US SPANAWAY FURNITURE TOP PRICES lor good used furniture opals antiques pieces or complete household 14001 Pacific Ave LE 1-0600 TOP CASH FOR USED turn aapl antiques pianos tools and misc Coll Avenue Furniture LE 7-3533 501 Building Matcriols Brookdale Lumber Inc 2x4x8' BARGAIN GRADE 33c ea RE DI-MIX CEMENT $129 SAC READY TO USE JUST ADD WATER BROOKDALE BUILDING SUPPLY 1)643 PACIFIC AYE TACOMA LOOK FOR OUR BRIGHT RED ROOF OPEN EVERY DAY LE 7-4S64 CEDAR thokei mill dlreci 1-3X133 MODEL LUMBER Good Lumber And rrr ecan xwc ecan ituds itc utility better 4k paste esc ea 73c to Weed mauldlnai 1c A 3c II Hrv 00 ml Haiidav Inn 0330303 I em-S 10 pm MODEL LUMBER Pre-Hung From SI 589 ea Huge Stock Hwv 00 l-ml Hoiidav Inn 033-0303 I -5 pm NAILS 14 sinkers lbs at SHOO 0 duple at SIS bright bee at SIS 00 14 bright common at SIS 00 14 gal common at S3IS0 15 lb Felt paper at 45 OS e4e0 sanded Hr shop at S4 IS eo lb mineral serv rooting S7 35 Pick up at 034 East 3Sth ROSS LUMBER CO CEDAR SPECIALISTS Bunding materials ot prices competitive 3123! Mtn Highway Soonawav 047-4474 SHAKES No 1 heavies S30 sauore FOB mill 003-3011 days 041-7730 eves SOUTH HILL LUMBER ANOTHER big ad sports page Sunday Lets at savings 10713 113th Ave Puyallup iDiredly behind Willows shopping Center) 845-7589 COPPERTONE Kelvlnator washer and dryer guaranteed SI 71 English fruitwood table w-4 chairs bOutfet SI30 Maple hutch 5135 SK 9-7717 Credit Problems? TROUBLE getting credit terms on TVs stereos appliances furniture? Down payment too high? Other problems Try ReweM's We carry our awn contracts and may approve you to buy ar lease with no dawn pay-Row eft's 124 River Rood CUSTOM upholstery 427-0904 DAVENPORT 4 cushions modern excel cond STS Call after I 033-5447 DOUBLE even range 0100 1 piece sectional S100 King sue bad SI5 very oood cond bAw TV 550 17417 -49th So Ave Edgewaod WA 7-4930 DRAPERY SALE Many samples Kirsh hardware SK 2 5749 FRENCH Provintwl living rm group sofa chair coffee table end table 1300 94444 FRIGID AIRE dryer In A-l cond ISO 740414 937 So Sheridan FURNITURE COSTS LESS AT BLOCK'S 0219 5s Tacoma Way JU 95214 Open dally 9 am-9 pm Saturday 9 arn-O pm Open Sunday 13 pm-S Easy terms Free delivery FURNITURE-somc antiques Sat Sun noon to 4 2510 No 10th Cash GE PORTABLE dlshwosher exc cond Avocado SI25 503-1540 HALL runner 914 rug pad racllner carte and end tbl Call 502-1307 KENMORE washer and dryer 2-yrs old Goad cond 5100 eo 5044KB MODERN china cabinet end 1125 Table w-4 Chairs 135 923-0254 MOVING tram Ig house: lots at tine eM beaks I some 1044 1 Complete set ot Dickon's work one by Eira Meeker olan leather pieces leopard caao and hat'20't bridge lamp bamboo what-not bookcase hide-a bed Ig choirs Ig crochet pieces Sunday only 511 So Cushman 10 3-30 MS MOVING Admiral branie side-by side relrig -Ireeier S17S Elec range 530 517-4951 MOVING BLACK naugahvaa sola and chair Coldspot coppertone frost tree re-frlg-freeier Coppertone washer and white dryer All in new cond Call LE 7-4114 NEW! Pay-As-You-Usc-Plan Take heme Rowell's now Coin Meter Bank You deposit quarters (2Sc) as required Rowell's will deliver your choice ot brand-new apolionces TVs stereos or furniture What could be easier? Came Hi today tor your Bank Rowell's 0424 River Road NICE German china closet Bavarian china Like new 1147 So 15th St OCTAGON dinette set chairs 1W4 No Steele 1 leaf 4 OVEN Frldgldare best oiler 472-71 10 bulH-ln 50 or PEDESTAL dinette set 50 0494407 POWER drill soldering Iran plele kH hand lie saw port Midland stereo w-1 speakers All In exc cond Best ettor Call between 0 am-4 pm 5445755 PUBLIC NOTICE CARPET AUCTION We have been commissioned to sell at public auction thousands at yds a I new carpeting Including shag hi-lows Indoor-outdoor artificial grass hi-low shoos and kitchen carpeting Sun Apr 27 1:30 pm Motel owners opts owners builders and you the public arc Invited to attend this giant auction All carpets to be soM to highest bidders so bring vaur friends insoectlon will be from am Sunday to sale time sa bring your roam sues Enumclaw Sales Pavilion 33711 SE 416th Enumclaw 0291151 RANGE 14" S75 4799210 mornings RARE unusual 14pc PhllKpIne mahogany rattan lurmture 4792904 REBUILT APPLS REFRIGS 01730 and up: Ireeisrs chest and uorlght- ranges 30" and 40" apt sue washers and dryers everything guaranteed with tree delivery aver ISO purchase 9 APPLIANCES 701 Pacific Ave 4744039 REFRIGERATOR 5X GR 014 SOFA arm chair recllner rocker w-taot rest 1 end tables and cart so table (Spanish style) 479064 TOP of the line Wooloool dishwasher 5144 Double oven range 5504 Bath In like new condition Will take otter 540 1604 UNFINISHED FURNITURE CHESTS DESKS BOOKCASES ETC 4 W's NUDE FURNITURE 194 Monday-Saturday Corner Seth and So GR 0362 RESPONSIBLE ematoyjd mate 38 wants to rant saiiMi nnttrm house OT GOWfle vow Or waterfront property driving distonce ifSo- wTao repair ter rent Must hove June 1st References Call Scan 27907 dov- 700 to 799 FOR BENT 700 Misc To Rent CAR LOT for rent or lease Top Uuntitr 4710741 John Relic 712 Wurehouses MINI STORAGE Self-eervlc M5 SAFEGARD MINI STORAGE NOW OPEN PERFECT FOR STORING: Household goods Boots Cars Office equipment Supplies Inventory You Name fill FEATURES: Stf scrlcc You lock and keep tha ktv hour security resident mon- With choice ot elias tram 5x4' to IOkW From $995 per mo On the Mil at tha 34th St ExH and 5 naxt to THus-Will Ford 3310 So Sprague 473-2200 WAREHOUSE space zoned 66-1 all ar part 7000 sq ft Lakewood area CMI Sun R0lt" 541X1 tor full details "EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY" WHY PAY MORE? Wt give you twice file space lor the same money M8 510 larger spaces sligMIy more Good far household goods ate Cars SIS TH 97122 715 Offices MERIDIAN Villa Professional Bido Ildtti and 6tarWtan 474021 OFFICE SPACE PROF building now leasing Pacific Ava 5397X1 non ONE soact available at Mil Gravelly Lake Dr in Lakewood Cantor area call 542008 Lundstrom Inc PRIVATE office Inexpensive utlL pd 6th-Proctor 7593531 SO TACOMA WY OLDER classic style home aporox 1500 sa ft In 6 roams new avail tor Ink parking tor 15 or mart cars will rcmodM PACIFIC AVE MHO sq It plus toll bsmt 4 car parking WAREHOUSE SPACE off So Tacoma Wy to be constructed What's your needs? CALL LOWELL BRYAN 474-8449 Dean Vincent Inc 739 So Hosmer SPACE available In Brldsaparl Center 113th 8 Bridgeport Wav hi Lakewood Ideal location with parking Air conditioned CMI 5X3008 Lundstrom Inc 11X2 Bridgeport Wav SW UPPER ottlca Fully carpeted Sa Tacoma area Near Kellys Furniture 4140 me Call 4749551 MHO to 18400 sq It downtown Tacoma 6th Avenue Puyallup Street Lakewood starting 43 par sa It- a year utilities included Sworuorv 66cGaidrick Inc BR 941X dove LO 46649 eves 2400 sq ft 3502 Tacoma Ave 44X including heat and utilities or will remodel to suit OPIE 8 COMPANY 2799311 720 Garagei DRY STORAGE Ill TH 97122 725 Stores APPROX 2 SOO sa lt Parkland Ideal retail whslt It mtg 5194747 STUDIO spact NH0 me util bid retail avail MA 96M1 740 Beach Property WATERFRONT SPANAWAY Lake IS min dlv cen-Luxury 9) bdrm lownhous w-rec rm frptc boot docks beach house pod tennis Boat and traitor storage Golf shaeelng 1 mile LE 5 601 54X2148 755 Convalescent Care EXPER cart lor bed or ambulatory prl room reasonable 4796457 765 Unfurn Multiplex COUNTRY LIVING 9bdrm a poll crpt yard kldt-pMs 1148 (15X1 RENTEX 1X2711 te DELUXE 2 bdrm washer dryer toll carp carport polio adults no pets Toe 66afi area 1172 4791)41 DUPLEX Puyallup 9bdrms car-bat apM's frptc carport 4198 No pets DUPLEX (UNFURNISHED) 9B0RM range refrlg Irak ww All utlt pd 134 So 4308" TACOMA REALTV INC 4749552 GIG HARBOR new deluxe Spanlsh-Ityle 9 bdrm duplex 1W baths CMhtdrM ceilings IrM torn rm apM w-w 5X5451 HIDDEN LAKES and 3-bedroom apartment! avail toon NEAR Villa Plaza Shooolng Cantor In Lakewood Pork-Ilk ground with view ot lakt from tach unit Wather and dryer In each unit From S175 POOL rec center taunai covered parking avail FURNITURE AVAIL 582-1511 5419 110th Street SW New trt-level 2 bdrm' duplex Quiet peaceful beautifully landscaped Luxuriously carpeted All aoels bid healaiator troll oar no chH-dren ns pets 4258 Univ Place 349 2777 eves 4795711 PRICED RIGHT Tbdrrrv apt vord only 41 (747) RENTEX 1X3711 UNIV PL 9bdrm duplex 569X72 er LO 451 Qutot LARGE new 1 bdrm duplex Gw Harbor Purdv area W8 1-457-35M BDRM upper carpets 4 im ere school children 4148 fM No A ms warm MA 8X71 1 BED and I bed aMt In Irlotoi AN ufih bid tar tlH and 4IX Call JU 9152 770 Multiplex Furn CLASSY 90drm aoots car get pvt bkf MUy 5142 1X1) RENTEX 3X7711 let LOW RENT 9bdrm tools crM yard kids-pets 48 1X251 RENTEX 1X2711 tod NO FEE MoH trap I bdrm toy at efts 411 uo Realty totes 4791348 4791312 toe Livestock Poultry Etc RHODES HAY AND HAY bale ton haH toiltaod Straw toed seed potatoes garden suoeiles sodtes 4X5504 ROCKING Boarding Stable stalls ond pasture 154565 SEE YOU AT THE Appaloosa Show April 25-26-27 AT THE Tacoma UnH Sport St Soanowov For really Hna hors gear see RODEO Custom Shop 17302 Pacific Ave 531-4555 SEVERAL new and used Bighorn Taxtan McPherson saddles am) assarted tack Also Imperial horse trailers Credit avail 531-164 SPIRITED Pa lamina gelding bonds 500 4492541 TIMOTHY hoy and beautiful Welsh pony 1-112518 TIMOTHY mixed Free del WA 9 TOP BUTCHER hog epprox 221 lbs LE 1-5168 after 5 pm TRADE young black Angus heifer tor a riding heri WA 44318 TWO Welsh and atr horse geldines Wonderful dispositions SIX sa Free hors manure Coll LE 1-764 WANT cattle and horses slaughter horses TH 91238 Also WANTED to buy setting hens 537 -6511 loner pigs 57250 eg TH 93678 WE ntad horses 232 1-492717 or 469 WHITE tact steers and helteri tor your pastor or freezer Locker hops 449442 or 4497741 YOUNG LAYING hens SIX ea 449 1 YR Aeov filly honor broke 41 call attar 5 pm TH 95471 44lb Pig 38 5446148 74 stout 2 horse trlr demonstrator never used windows mats rack guards reg 52201 now 5165 9454 5717 or 4491201 565 Birds Dogs Pets AFGHAN AKC shew Quality axed ped sacrifice 5221 7592305 after 5 pm AFGHAN puppies AKC 5K 97441 AFGHAN pups AKC brindles and Macks SX and 1108 1-5442102 AFGHANS AKC show pel breeding Oilier pups and adults 531-6312 AKC Bastet puppies 696531 AKC BOSTON Terrier puppies land wks UN 9739 AKC CHAMPION ilred German shepherd puppies (3 new litters) Males and tamales Black ond tan Mack and silver Exc I quality 144 1218 AKC Coille pups cheap 9492731 AKC DALMATION pups 4793402 AKC Dolserman stud 479201 AKC Doberman pups txcei Mood-lint 5397411 AKC DOBERMAN stud service Gig Harbor Evenings 2691542 AKC German Shop puppies 1 mot dark Mack and ton Lively lovely temperament shots wormed 29 AKC GREAT Dan PUBS I dwmpton blood lines 543402 AKC min Dachshund wk Shots 558 SK 44571 AKC wM toy poodle pups 5492172 AKC Yorkshire Terrltr puppies far info 4644251 ALASKA Malamutet Mack whlta beautifully marked 6 wks I441X AQUARIUMS tame w-flth Ig turtle Slier angle Iran stand 4741171 AQUARIUMS 910 pal 1 SVegal 1 9 oal Complete 1 Jack Dempsey 1 red bellied piranha SK 4442 BEAUTIFUL Dalmalion pupoles Good Mlectlon Shown by apM- only OS ea or trad JU 45551 BEAUTIFUL Siberian Huskies 2W mo old puppies TH 94218 BLUE -eyed Australian pups 541432 BOXER stud Mrv bite on this breed Pups occasionally 5X401 BROWN cackapoe cute puppy 518 4794161 CHAMPION (Irad Yarklt Apricot toy poodle Chihuahua LO 90202 DACHSHUNDS shots 59278 black-tan AKC DACHSHUND stud serv 5X278 DOBERMAN Mcurlty trained watchdog for buildings Not a pet 1208 LE 52248 FREE kittens SK 94421 FREE: Lovely 4 yr male English bulldog Houstbroktn Loves children After 2 MA 9 466 722 SK 7111 FREE our 1 year old Bassett Ernie hi exchange for a good kind heme with children tor him to follow around 5641167 FREE: to right home Alaskan 66almutt Husky 9vrs old 132577 GER66AN shepherd tomato 168 JU 44342 I yr GERMAN sharthair puppies 4 wks old Have shots 148 TH 94168 GERMAN SHORTHAIRRetrtover Best otter CoH 5291612 GREAT DANE 4 mas town Rea CMI 5354041 or evei 5)5171 HANDSOME ergam colored Greyhound I yr aid molt no per 538 5494004 IRISH Setter puoov mol wks Md 548 Eves 7X3571 LAURIE'S Poodle Parlor die and h' GR 47711 LOST -Mato im longhair pup curly toil long oars hind feel turn out ID Boico Puy-Sumntr area CMI collect 749X1 66ALE kitten needs a poo box-trained Free 7591772 ODELL SSgal aquarium extras Included 6132 Incubators plus out mMIc tor ers 458 759261 PARROTS 5X1177 PART shepherd pups 518 4592158 PHEASANTS Silvers and Goldens lor sale 4X53 POMERANIAN ternoto Ivrs pure-4791112 POM pups stud 544211 PUREBRED German pugs 7 wks femMet 522 4795412 PUREBRED Samoved pups 2511 VI REG Great Dane ternoto SIX GR 9X11 brbidto SCHNAUZERS pud stud 5X1412 SPECIAL-T Dag Grooming S11-4l CUP POODLES Studs 429011 VIKI'S poodle groomtad 479448 WHITE Carman eheghgrd ternoto 548 149054 aupovv White Per sum kitten Powder Putt Cattery 535332 WILL Mva away 2 AKC Shettiei pair mate and neutered tomato To met hom*o SK 371 YORKSHIRES 169)432 AKC Irish Setter anytime 4794672 puppies call 1 HAMSTERS I cages 518 69121 600 to 699 WANTED TO RENT 61S Garages WANTED: 9cor garae er equivalent epace near Steitoceem 54171 635 Duplex Homes BY JUNE I deluxe upturn 9 bdrm In Parkland area ear ex 1754 me by ryilobto cauato 219478 670 To Shore CAUCASIAN tod tody in Xs to share 9 bdrm home Lakewood soma rant Writ to Bax 99061 Tacoma 949 PARENTS Why buy a bsano while vaur children ore lust beginning to learn to The easy solution is to rent a new WurtHier tor ae little as 95 per month plus a small delivery etiorge We take oil (he risk out while veur children are starling (heir musical adventure Stop in and talk with keyboard counselors ot Ted Brawn Musk Co on the Brood wav Ptoia and in the Tacoma Moll The Mall store Is open weekday evenings until 9 and Sundays 12 to 4 We hove been serving music education since 1911 SAVE $900 wnew B-3 $3495 SHERMAN CLAY NEW ADDRESS 260 Sa 30th Ooen 99 473-0701 SELMAR flat clarinet like new S12S cash-firm 531-4041 eves SILVERTONE bass Vox bass amp Will sell together ar sep SK 9140 STEEL body Dooro with case 5300 7591070 5UNN bassmon otter 5047514 speaker SIX er UPRIGHT piano 575 1491492 USED ORGAN SALE CONT'D "Tha Leorn-to-Plav Stores" XIO 6th Ave 994 Broadway X94479 3492654 Eves Ill 4 Mon thru Sat Sun 1-5 195: pm VERY RARE Fender elec 12 string guKI24tor excel cond Also Fender deluxe guitar amp and cabinet good cond 5159 511-7447 WE BUY pianos FU 94674 SIX PIANO wanted 7594427 2 GIBSON bosses EBI 325 EB2DC 375 both with hard cases 5794510 or 7594131 511 Musical Instruction CLASSICAL guHar lessons 4799950 FOLK guitar Rets 2794X7 PIANO Ea ASfh 4791741 PIANO lessons FHa Hts 9294471 PRIVATE: beginning Diana Instruction 471504 aHer pm 515 Stereo TV Radio Hi-Fi AKAI CR-I4D 4 track recorder and play back tapes and all access Sin Call 5394657 AMERI-CAN RADIO CITIZENS band specialist! installation available repairs guaranletd 714 East Stain Puyallup 1492362 BLACK AND WHITE 16" Panasonic highest bidder 479047 CASH for portable TVs upton'e 1X1 Toe Ave Sa FU 92551 RADIOS DISCOUNT PRICES on oil radios scanner! scanner crystals and antonnacs Bank Cards welcomg Chuck's Communications 445171 COLOR console TV excellent condition 5158 44432 COLOR plctura tuba installed in home 50 most slits Bank cards okay 27-5251 COLOR TV good cond 511 07 -14X COLOR TVs Servlet Or rtcond From S5 TV 431 PacHic Ave Credit Problems? TROUBLE getting credH terms on TVs stereos appliances tornHure? Dawn payment too high? other problems? Try Rowell's We carry our awn contracts and may approve you to buy or lease with no dawn payment Rowell's 4424 River Road FISHER XP7S-J wav spkrs 5140 a pr new asking SIX or 474022 GE B-W console 521 Between 97 pm Tlwrs Fri 1504 Sa GE 15" color port 5118 Philco 21" b-sm console 558 Bath In perfect cond 4792711 GOOD working 18' part TV fully guar Only 551 Will glvt cash discount or you may rant lor S10 ea mo and rent may apply on purchase Upton's 1701 Tacoma Ave 5a FU 9 2551 Lakewood Villa Stereo USED stereo components all kinds Wt take trades 5191608 NEW Pioneer stereo turntable needs carfigogt SIX value 558 537-5M9 mornings NEW VISTA RCA portable color TV 1200 4791218 NICE color TV 5108 SK 93X7 NICE 23" color Iv 5131 75934 PIONEER Txin stereo tuner Sin firm 5440372 RENT a new color TV tar 525 ea ma and rent may ooplv an purchase Upton's 1X1 Tacoma Ave Sa FU 9 3551 RENT TV TONIGHT LEASE tor 55 ma or rent may apply an purchase Wo buy soil repair Give terms Upton's 1X1 Tacoma Ave Sa FU 92S5L SAVE 5155 TV ond stereo component bargains that have boon returned tram rentaL Seversal over half paid ter Liberal terms and trade Upton's IXI Tacoma Ave Sa FU 93551 SONY TC377 reef-foKeei brand-new must SMI tltbofter SK 95039 TV REPAIR STEREO GR 97718 TV service Used sell MA 93X1 W' SEARS port color TV axe cond SX cash Please call attar 5 am LE 9X31 TV Rent tar S14 month Bunct RentaL GR 91148 2 GOOD TV'S 521 511 SK 94054 21" RCA color TV excel cond 5158 UN 97675 otter am It" ZENITH color TV 4791211 520 Fuel ALDER-FIR FINEST spill tool seasoned or green all slies 535 cord prompt del Satisfaction guar TH SBM8 ALD FULL cord Split del stack Guar 517X 294147 GR 9241 CUT YOUR OWN WOOD SSOU load A si so corral poles ea 1-492751 FIREPLACE wood 44290641 PULL cord wood Immediate delivery IS" 515 512 5141151 SERVICE FUEL CO DRY FIREWOOD I cord 538 SK 4 6151 LO 41157 SMITH COMPANY WE SCO Elec solid state farced Mr tornoces Conversions BR 91548 or BR 91211 525 Sports Equipment COLT Diamond back special t' barrel exc const SIX MA 45341 SAW 44 magnum 449354 offer 1 1 44 mag 4408 39411 I am-4X pm weekdays 22 CAL Derringer 538 54451X 49LB hunting bow liber-shaft or rows 559 GR 9X77 530 TO Swop DOZER work small lobs ak per hr 479X77 er 517-547 512X HAVE V) 2 ACRES GIG HARBOR WILL take veur 17-toof or 14 toot flberami boat In trade as de payment With or without motor traitor Property is priced ot S12S8 contract farms on balance Call TOM MORRIS JR at Purdv RsoRy Inc X9M44 or 592121 everyday HOT ROOFING FOR? GR 41551 NEW cltalr 48 swad lor carpel lev me 479512 544611 ROOFING repair! er GR 47008 TAKE vaur trade mi heme veur ctwK Weed Realty to JU 4651 '61 BUICK Riviere SIX cosh Thursday Call 1X43631 '61 CHEVY station woaofl5XOMI tied and catonel let 571 Swoo ter peck ve er motorcycle 4791622 OLDS Vista Cruiser' VI i pp Good work car 7X bast offer Will trade tor tr Mum btM frailer ar mfr 531M57 FORD 3 Sport Custom lw w-V slidt-M canopy tor van aval voiut 475141 Toe many pikas and is enough riders? Sell the extra ones with Classified Ad! AGED chicken-caw manure mixture CaM attar 7 am 6695454 ALDER SAWDUST Aged Irtsh tor mutch Pittman Fuel SK 91174 LO 5542 BARNYARD tort er mixed topsail 7vds S3S 19yds 58 537-4494 BEAUTI-BARK steer manure We load 7 days you haul 9395727 COW manure SX tar 7 yds delivered Rockery rock IN delivered 531-3452 Caw manure We load' you haul Cedar fence posts 5314 No Meridian WA 92347 FREE: 300 sards fill dirt you haul Spanawav oreo 4497043 eves FUCHSIAS otraniumi begonias bedding plants tomatoes 3" pots to baskets Karshner Road Greenhouses No Puvaltoo under new leasing Opgn 104 everyday I blk up ChriseHa Rd hill behind County Road Shops 4454271 eves HORSE manure 5 pickup 447-7971 LANDSCAPE BARK WE HAUL HAUL 472-3994 4791078 47744 47237X LANDSCAPING bark 4 yds 52404 delivered SK 4354 LO 3157 MARIONberry plants Raadv for transplanting 7007 Waller Rd natural chip bark 5-vds 522 Byde SX 14yds 34 22651 NATURAL larHIiiar pu Delivered 4491571 load New Lite Landscaping Bark 5 yds 2195 yds 52795 10 yds 534 15 yds or mart-special price Manure-7 yds or mare 515 yd Sunday deliveries necessary 539 Organically grown Jerasulcm artichoke olants 50c ea 12 for 1 1214 Idh it SW Puyallup TH 9654 Quality it the difference In price BEAUTIBARK MA 94134 McKtnile Fuel RED Hemlock bark WSU tested tor soil Free del Bel tine and mid grain 9yd min 5045711 RICH black garden soil LE 9668 SANDY loam top toil 449333 SUPER COW MANURE 7 yrds 42 12 yds 140 LE 9448 THINK SPRING BLENDED and mixed topsails Special garden mixes organic tortil-liers mulching bark potting greenhouse mixes Bulk ar bap All typos at gravels and Indscpna rock Complete Indscpng- design construction and cansuWn4 You haul and nursery open 7 days a week 47 Del Mon -Sat For quality and service if worth the call Randto'i LE 9- TME HIGH grade toe sail Is a sure of readying your garden WR Lfbo Co 5441561 Taosoil BeautiBARK SHREDDED mixed lolls peal 4 Fuel to GR 9650 TOPSOIL BeautlBork pit run and driveway grovel fill SK 44278 TOPSOIL rock Johnson JU 40411 TULIPS tar mailing and bouquets 10 tor 40c Foil-wrapped pats ot tulips or hyacinth 6 tulips ar 1 hyacinths par pat Several varieties 4125 ea Van Lteroo Bulb Farm 2 milts oast a I Puyallup on East Plantar 149431 555 FruitSi Meats Veq COMPLETE lint trash fruits and vegetables fresh elder house and garden plants and nursery stack THE CIDER PRESS 14h and So Meridian Puyallup 4445157 FRESH GEODUCK 50c LB less tor quantity for fretting Delivered Ph 5321-5151 eves HONEY 497772 Cloicd Salt INSPECTED boat 6c 75c pr lb locker pork 6c pr lb Cut wrapped WA 9442 ORGANICALLY ted beef 539448 560 Livestock Poultry Etc ALFALFA pood Stouttor's hay different 531-0708 APPALOOSA stud 1V3 yrs Ota 4208 Coll 5697-4639 APPY st serv cash-trade 795 AQHA stallion service "BABO" grandson at "Leo" 146 2469 AQHA yr Buckskin gelding Eng-West Exc trail hors Informed rider M'4 west youth saddle 54 sn BEEF calves feeders started and baby Ewes and lambs 5291402 BEE suop pollinlialian 4911 BIG APPY mare 5308 Standard bred mar S1S8 S3531X BOARD horses Ray 149772 BOAR SERVICE 977a BROWN tog lovtrt 5242 Inc Rt 1 BOX 732 Everett 1342718 BULLS hauling LE 91411 BUY ond tell horses 290X1 CALVES w-clostrum SIS 447-351 CHICKS ducklings 12 5X4478 CHICKSWA 92522 CLEAN MIXED CLOVER TIMOTHY 52 BALE 4296508 429171 CUSTOM Hatching 5155177 DEAD Stock haul 449228 929562 DRY SHAVINGS 429327 GITT BROS INC DU ROC boar service 497238 EWES block lambs dxib feeders LE 50747 FAMILY cows Block-while face steers and hellers Assorted slits From 542 Altolta pet lets ond dry malt VI 97131 FASTERN WasMngfon a Italia hay 197101 FERBER'S HORSESHOEING Trimming 5355461 FREE dead Ilk 169X18 579792 FREE hauling it etc slaughter cut and wrap your beet or hoes Ranch Meats Packing to VI 97108 GENTLE 9vr old tuiyi red Green-broke 5248 491267 GRAIN led butcher heps bred sows tedder pigs- IX ue TH 95148 HENRY TYSON HORSESHOEING SIS Trimming 52 CMI TH 9751 HORSE and pony Pack avail 2 S497V78 Graham CMI HORSE BOARDING M0 acres ot riding Goad grass TH 9347 HORSE bearding Tacoma 579712 HORSESHOEING TOM HELSER REG CORR LE 50412 HORSESHOEING AND TRIMMING Steve Johnson Ytfm 454X11 JIM WILLIAMS HORSE SHOEING and TRIMMING CMI 91-4402 LARGE whitt-locf cow w-call Cash ar trade tor family caw 147 6531 LEGHORN WA 9252S PULLETS Smot old MILK 2422 cow Hereford Holstein 49 NEW and usad toddles and tack SX ue Fowler's 53940X1 PEAco*ckS goslings 537-048 PIGEON FEED 6297271 RABBITS 5457 6451454 RAZBITS Rollings ducklings veur eggs hatched 7594738 RED CHICKS Rowley's TH Sl41 RED LAVING HENS Rowlev't MS 166 REG ALL BREED HORSE SALE Enumclaw Salts Peviiwn QuaHtv breed ret salt Sun May dh Registered horses will start I shard Grade hones sold otter For entry Monks call 939)151 4291111 Entry Monks must 4 to by Apr 3ta to bd catalogued REG APPY tefdm show framed sudtar any da rider 13 1557 REG Pefied Hereford bulls cowl with cad ill bees 58)9415 REG Quarter horse cad trained very genii M7 47J4 halter UPHOLSTERY: chair labor 39 daveno 59 Free pu SK 94774 USED FURNITURE SALE HIDE A BED MO maple wheel bunk beds complete Ivery nice) 5100 solid oak dining table wHh 13 matching chairs fchairs need work) 5300 lots el aid wood furniture apple TV's lamps tables chairs 2 glass cailaclablcs something far everyone Low lew prices What Nat Shop 1503 McKinley Ave 437-4933 USED Furniture that looks like new New furniture at used furniture prices used Furniture Shoppe 78)0 Pac Ave 4745470 USED washer and dryer 535 511-1139 WASHER and dryer Westlnghause used very good cond 50 ea Also GE washer and dryer comb in one machine S32S firm Excel cond Mar vest gold Eves 9390117 WASHER Dryer SIX 4791511 94 USED APPL 84 Portland Ave LE 7-0231 RANGES GE 40" single even lots of storage HOTPOlNT 40" single even rotary dials clean T9W0 Frlgldalre 10" rgtary dials sharp WESTINGHOUSE 10" priced to ve KELVINATOR dbl oven see to appreciate GE 10" harvest gold school model sc guar Washers 8 Dryers GE wshr sap wash-rinse temps water levels 1 cvcie-ttoon KENMORE wshr harvest goM 1 cycle water temps Sharp KENMORE dryr time dry ar air dry NORGE gas dryr Ig capacity ENMORE gas dryr to capacity EASY wshr 1 cycle stainless steel tub GE wshr 2 cycle water level wash temps FRIGIDAIRE dryr Individual heat setting tor fabrics like new REFRIGERATORS WHIRLPOOL wHh Ireeier on bottom Ig relrig capacity GE no frost wHh Ireeier across the top sea to appreciate All Used Appliances Shop Tested 8 Guar WOOD bunks 550 camp 511-1169 WROUGHT iron table-4 matching chairs drop leaf maple table Electrolux waxer-pollsher Elec floor sweeper Sears wshr-dryr JU 40705 I1 YR old Penney 'I dishwasher 135 er best otter 5094371 2 WICKER elephant and tables w-travs 530 LO 41564 23 cu ft Ireeier chest excel cond 5175 or bast offer 4744002 9294450 before 10 am or after 5 pm 40 GAL hot water tank Goad cond GE 40" whHe range recand Good shape TH 91097 5 PIECE living room set best offer ever 550 TH 93503 I elect range 540 Small refrlg 35 Elect ranee needs small reoalr 15 7599601 after 4pm 506 Gqrqge Sales ANTIQUE dining rm set collectibles assarted household Hems Noon Thurs thru Sat 910 No St ANTIQUE turn Mediterranean modern: lets ot misc 7902 Sapphire Court Oakbrook DIN ING room table and buffet misc Sat-Sun 105 2512 Mountain View FROM household Hems to auto parts MU So tram 105 GARAGE sale Bed daveno single beds-mattresses b-w TV console lots of woman's slie 12 4 72'i clothes many other Hams 419 No Howard Apr 24 27 104 Garage Sale Rainbow Girlsno 150 104 Sat 14 Sun 1716 No Verde MARGIE'S Treasures Daily garage sale 415 54 119th M7-J790 moving tale furniture appliances misc IX del monte ave 5690155 RUMMAGE and Plant Sale: April 2524 Villa Cabin Vlllaga 104 Lake-wood Caao pre-school SALE Same furniture dishes pats and pant misc 3655 East SOFA drapery remnants Pillows SOS oH Fri-Sat-Sun 11-4 7902 27th St West TACOMA finest vd sale Misc 52X So Puget Sound Frl and Sat TRAIL bike end table lamps bike Misc 11515 5a Ainsworth Wed-Sat UNITED Methodist Women plant country kH sale Aar 24 94 26th 9-4 Methodist Church 10th-Canvon 2nd Annual OEC A oar sale Washers dryers plants toys and tools etc etc Apr 24 27th 105 pm Curtis High School Moll 0425 40lh ave FAMILY super sag Something tar everyone Anitas apollt bikes lots of misc Old Safeway store 38 Bridgeport Fri 12-7 Sat 195 507 Auctions Public Auction Every Friday 7 PM BANK CARDS WELCOME TERMS AVAILABLE LARGE SELECTION OF NEW 8 USED FURNITURE 8 NEW 8 USED APPLIANCES ALSO -NEW 8 USED STEREOS 8 TVs Factory Closeout Repossessions Estate Settlements AUCTION MART 16 South Division St AUBURN WASH Phone 1-939-2694 SECOMA AUCTION EVERY FRIDAV PM FURNITURE appiance4 mlee S4U Pac Hwv Sa Federal Wav WA 94724 VE 9B21I We buy sell and trade SOI Arts Crafts Hobbies MARTIN CERAMICS the complete ceramic and pottery euoohr CO SIB St Auburn 1(14 170 POTTERY CLASSES S799S7B S10 Musical Instruments AMP Kuslom Bassmon 'W tor elec kvbds ar bast guH 5)74 Davl 994499 eves 4695714 ARTLEV Professional flutetone holds brand new must sett moving best alter 517-47741 ask far Dick BALDWIN Acrasenic loinet with bench Excellent 5595 WA 9X54 GULBRANSEN Model tpHsel or gon mahogany excel 454 MA 4377 NEW Fender S'ratocas'er w-case cust linrsh end maple neck 474 Ovation acoustic Spanish guitar 5275 CeH gttrr 4 517 471 NEW Fender Twin revere weaver d'SioMion knap I4M 1456X1 PEAVEV Centory IX boss amp used twee fix JU 9X75 piano Tuning in GEORGE MES5EGEE 444J RED Pearl arums 1775 er bes! I LE I UJf after IXim TOP loan an earner at 379155 UPTON will buy FU 1-2SSI WANTED: Slup lanltrn diving hei-md ihm boMto and marina arti-tacti Can SWUM WANTED USED lurmtiira anal duhei anil-auet toon mem By tha piece er campieic hausetuL We pay lap ceih prket Fat Service te all areai Puget Sound Merchandise Mart 3)012 MeuMem Hiphwov 147 3033 VI 7-OStl WANTED: Weed turning let tit Call LE 1-0130 WANT eM elec Iraint GR 2-7114 WE PAY CASH AND PICK UP good used lurmture Used Furniture Shoppe TOO Pacific Ave 474-5470 WILL take ever pvmts eT 654 er less an travel trlr that sleeps 4 or mare less eaulty 044-1011 503 Office Equipment OZALID Streamliner 100 Blue print-maclt Eicet cond I-4U-4MC 7-3459" desks SUS ea 7-tilt swivel chairs 40 eaO 7-side chairs 55 ea I will discount tor Ape sets) Mast ot the above less than 1 vr aid Other office Items also avail Call 040-4525 days 091-3471 eves ar sec at 3017 East Main Puv I Linden Village 1 504 Antiques Antiques clacks: repair 537-4635 ARCHITECTAL ITEMS 50 mantles 1300 spindles newel posts stained Class tram 1170 lo 1904 Now avail at Mandarin Antiques 4115 Steilocoom Blvd 502-1135 blinking Owl Antiques 5004 72nd DON'T sell It restored It! Have by Furniture Refinlshlng 045-071 1111 River Rd Puyallup AFFORABLE ANTI OUES Beautiful collection on American Lake For details and appt call 304-7154 FLEA MARKET DAILY SALES 5939 Steilocoom Blvd SW FREE Battle Collector! Fair April 34 37 Fife High Esif 137 IS Sat 4 Sun 11-5 Duplays solas collectible Hems FRONTIER VILLAGE ANTIQUE WAREHOUSE NEW shipment arriving every week Bedroom and Dining room sets rolltop desks all kinds at clacks WHOLESALE PRICES TO EVERY ONE OPEN II am to 7 pm Wed thru Sunday In the A Frontier Village Shopping Center near Lake Stevens Phone Everett OLD CARNIVAL glass at Mariorle B's Hoots Bldg Gig Harbor RUSTON GALLERIES now have antique docks and clack repair 5101 No Pearl 13 te 4 pm SK 9-2434 SPLIT cedar rails posts 5044519 TRUCKLOAD of American Oak: round tables chair sets commodes dressers secretaries llmoges china and much mare HGUSE" 537 West Pioneer Puv Hours 11-4 pm 7 days a week WANT OLD OAK FURN FU 1473 505 Household Goods APT sue gas stove 72 Port bar tar rec rm 530 752-7231 APT site washer like new 145 SK 2-3124 ar GR 47077 AUTOMATIC washer and bulH-ln dishwasher eacel cond 973-0004 BEDROOM Includes dresser mirror chest headboard bad Irama bo tuN-slie be spring and mattress Starting at 5239 95 financing available Used Furniture Shop 701 Pacific Ave 4745470 BLACK vinyl couch S50 matching lamps SW: gal tank and stand complete set up 550 759-4443 BRAND NEW deluse GE side-bv side Custom dispenser used 1 mas 24 cult moke otter 544221 BUNK beds complete Lowest prices Hi town Starting 5995 includes mattress posture boards rails head and tool boards and ladder used Furniture Shoppe 7010 Pacific Ave 474 570 CARPET LEFT OVER tram commercial lobs ail colors and sues Alta all kinds of linoleum Den's Carpet 75U 52nd Ave 4790704 CARVED oak curved glass china cabinet I umbo sue adluttabie plots glass shelves 1494004 "Period House" Wood occasional recllner loose-cushion many ether kinds storting at 194 Used Furniture Shoe 701 Pacific Ave 474-5470 DBL matt box springs Excel cond 50 Blk and while designer caff re tbl 54 Call 5092415 eft tr lb It nfft rift TV Fv MORE ITEMS NOT USTED USE YOUR CHARGE CARDS SjlnkAmericmo UTILITIES PD Bachelor aM I bdrm VUtoat 7435 So Tacoma Wav GR 975144 I 1-BDRM tri ties Carpeted dags er children Parkland UIM turn extern etoc ix LE 5ix 10 ACRES COMPLETELY turn new duetox aM doM't mcL washer dryer and Ireeier Quiet Close to eheoema and trsewavt ties Plus dee 517-1744 55 10 Sixth Avenue 752-7726 dnesA m-1 RXMqW1TWHX adflrTI MXelki tXi siedrVl flUll 6 sMd tod I.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.