Dunkirk Evening Observer, May 23, 1962, p. 1 (2024)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, May 23, 1962, p. 1 (1)

Acton Free Press

May 1, 1958, Page 6

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - May 23, 1962, Dunkirk-Fredonia, New YorkPhouam French philosopher Pascal said it is not Good to have too much Liberty it ii not Good to have All one 20 re evening observer thunderstorms muggy Low Shower Chance Early then partial turn to drier May invitation extended to Dunkirk residents to visit Dunke que the residents of Dunkirk have been extended an invitation to at tend the Celebration of the 300th anniversary of the re acceptance of the City of France into the French the invitation was extended by a woman delegation from the French Jacques Philibot and Pierre the two men Are in Dunkirk trying to arrange a tour to be held in conjunction with a visit to France by mayor Joseph Steger and his official the two men would like to arrange a tour for the residents of the City if there Are enough interested in attending the one of the reasons for the tour is to Cre ate new Bonds of Friendship with the residents of this City and in appreciation of the gifts sent by Dunkirk to Dunke que on thanks giving it is hoped that Many Young people will take advantage of this Opportunity in or Der to carry on the Bonds which now link the two the itinerary the tentative itinerary includes the following 16 departure from new their sister York City via 17 arrive in take bus to 18 tour the ship build Perque and the port of Dunke que will also be Leisure time May be spent on the Many beaches and swimming areas in the 26 the Celebration of the tricentennial of the reentry of Dunke que into the French nation is the Celebration will be highlighted by a historical Parade which will depict Many of the scenes which have played a part in Dunke ques his about 150 soldiers of the Guarde Republican will participate in the 2731 Leisure time to be spent in an official reception for the Dunkirk delegation will be held by the president of the municipal Council of the cite of persons interested in participating in the program May Contact Theodore executive Secre tary of the chamber of com for More Rabb will coordinate the excursion for the residents of the Philibot today said the residents of Dunke que will be More than Happy to receive the ing company in Dunke que and attend the launching of a new ton cargo see a Petro Leum Carrier of tons under 19 this is Franco Amer ican an official reception for the Navy will be in addition a reception for the Dun Kirk delegation will be 1926 an excursion to Belgium will be Bruges is often termed the Venice of the North since it resembles the famed italian cites canal sys a Day in Calais will be spent by the Dunkirk residents where they will visit a Lac making com in addition a tour of the steel Mill in Dunke que will be the Mill produces one and one half million tons of steel each a tour of the British Petro Leum the City of Dun Niagara honoured Youngstown up old it Niagara was to take its place among the nations historic land Marks the department of Interi National Park plan Ned ceremonies this afternoon to Register the fort As an american the Encampment is located in fort Niagara state Park near this a site must be of National significance under provisions of the historic Sites act of 1935 to Merit designation As a National land trip to Dunke que to be discussed acc luncheon a special luncheon has been a ranged by the Dunkirk Chambe of Commerce for noon Friday a rus chs restaurant for anyone the area interested in going France during the Middle of special arrangements Are Bein made two officials from do Perque for an attractive offer o this All details will be planned at the for reservations persons Macall the Dunkirk chamber offic at pm 66200 thursday morning emmy awards Jakeb your by Vernon Scott up Hollywood correspondent Hollywood a captured televisions four top Aci ing awards tuesday night at the 14th annual emmy ceremonies with seasoned theater Veteran Shirley Booth Julie Harris and Peter Falk win Ning performing Booth was voted the bes actress emmy for her week portrayal in the Busy big hearted playing a battling de Ense attorney in the defend walked off with the Best a or in a series his show won three other including Best dramatic show of the audiences in Nev York and in addition to viewers of the nationally telecast saw miss Harris break into tears when she accepted her award As Best Acress in a single performance for Victoria dutch remove 800 children from Battle areas West new Guinea up the dutch government shipped 800 women and children safely out of Battle areas in West new Guinea today and ordered a news blackout preparatory to launching a major attack on indonesian Many of the women reaching the North coast said they wanted to return to the they said they did not expect to see their Homes Here the government took the actions As military forces moved to Iso late indonesian paratroopers and soldiers prior to the Start of mopping up military Headquarters reported air and ground action against our principal pockets of crack indonesian the weather during last 24 7 61 8 63 9 70 2 58 10 76 3 58 11 80 4 50 noon 83 5 60 1 85 6 60 2 86 temperatures hours 3 69 11 58 4 74 midnite 38 5 74 1 57 6 73 7 73 8 70 9 64 10 60 Sun sets today at rises tomorrow at precipitation in last 24 at at 2 Lake temperature 54 decrees wind 2 1520 Moon phases for May new first full last 3rd Lith Mill 26th Carpenter shot is set for tomorrow High and Low in leading cities Albany temperature in principal cities tuesday a n d High Low this morning Albany Boston Chicago Cleveland Des Moines Dunkirk Detroit Kansas City los Angeles Miami Montreal new Orleans new York Philadelphia Pittsburgh Louis Seattle Syracuse Washington Cape canaveral astronaut Scott Carpenter c talks with backup Pilot Walter Schurra l and John h Glenn r during a Mission after a detailed review scientists put their stamp of approval on Atlas 107d and car Penters spacecraft for a by Hedrick Smith carpenters flight will be very stores will offer bargains on first line merchandise during downtown Dunkirk Days Sale yesterdays press run 80 pages 7c per copy jetliner Falls in All 45 aboard Are dead one of the major annual retail promotions of downtown Dunkirk merchants is scheduled for thurs and and it is downtown Dunkirk Days a 3day event featuring bargains according to Albert Brun president of the retail Mer chants division of the Dunkirk chamber of All of the retail division Mer chants Are going into orbit Over and above their regular commit Bruner they have been scouting the Market for better than three he not and have stocked their stores with new Downto Earth bargain some stores open for extra hours and Many other features will be the highlights of this extravagant stated in past years Dunkirk Days Sale Las always been a fall but this year it has been moved up because it was planned this Way by the Board of directors and officers of the retail merchants this is going to be a promo Ion with Price slashing As the Jig feature and with every Mer chant offering new merchandise at Bottom an official of the merchants division report stores easily identified the stores participating will be easily identified by downtown Dunkirk Days cards which will e displayed in their windows and y similar labels which will appear n the today Issue of the evening observer and the grape Belt will carry store advertise ments listing some of the bargains which Are being offered for Sale using he three Day lie issues of the two newspapers ill be distributed to approximately Homes in the area every Community and every ural mail route in the Dunkirk hopping Dunkirk Days were inaugural d in 1933 during the communities at that time wer urged by the Federal government to sponsor promotions which would stimulate the chamber of Commerce suggested a three Day Sale to b known As Dunkirk Days and the idea met with the immediate approval of local it a stipulated that All would offer first line merchandise at real bargain the 1933 Sale was such a tremendous merchants decided to hold Dunkirk Days an it was discontinued Dur ing world War but was revived in it has been held each year since then and is looked for Ward to by area Thrifty who Check the advertisem*nts in this Issue will discover they can buy jus about anything they need at Loca stores and at most attractive pric very latest Albany aus tin one of the re publican top legislative Lead announced today he will not seek he has been in the Senate 19 years and chairman of its powerful finance committee since Cape canaveral up launch Crews today began the first phase of the critical split countdown for astronaut Scott similar to Glenns if All goes it will be roughly five hours Long in an orbit 100150 Miles High and at a Speed of Miles per but the 37yearold Navy nearby Pilot saw naval plane crash Germany and German teams combed a six tile stretch of bavarian Wood and today for the remaining Odies of 26 americans killed in plane army officials said 20 bodies Ere found the avy super Constellation wv2 reconnaissance plane loaded with adar detecting devices disinter rated in flight tuesday and in the Navy dispatched a team of Vest gators to Germany from base of the ill fated a pan american airways Pilot who was flying a 707 jetliner about eight Miles from the crash witnessed the theres an air plane disinter Abrahamsen radioed the Munich control i see the Tail Section Eye witnesses on the ground 74 43 carpenters Blastoff into 73 54now Only 24 hours commander will per 2 68 the space Agency announced form Many new experiments for heard a and saw the Tail 77 re late tuesday that All systems on i scientists who want to learn More Section had ripped off the fuse 59 the Silvery Atlas 107d Booster about the mysteries of other parts of the plane Tai 57 rocket and carpenters aurora7 if carpenters Mission is a were strewn Over a simile 73 61 spacecraft were in a go successful As Glenns the main Section of the fuselage launch could Lead to a longer into a Field at the Edge 84 82 90 68 87 77 79 80 73 78 for the 76i a spokesman also indicated 50 that a variety of weather threats 65 had giving Carpenter 57 better than 6040 Odds of follow ing the space Trail blazed by As a Stronati John Glenn last 70 and carpenters personal Sene in the final hours be j voyage possibly six or seven orbits later this year by americas million Mani space tuesday technicians tanked the mighty Atlas Booster with 120 tons of High Grade Kero of a Pine Forest about six Miles East of Munich air traffic controllers said the Navy Pilot had radioed for clearance for an emergency Landing a few minutes before the the plane carried 22 Navy men new York a co Lumbia University scholar charged tuesday that Many lawyers Are grossly overcharging state school districts for Legal services in Bond Frederick Shore said Many attorneys take a fee of on half of 1 per cent of the he called this Unwar and Dis proportionate in relation to the Shore proposed hat fees be based universally on the of consumed in handling an Washington up agr culture department investigators reported last summer hat in their opinion death of Henry Marshall was murder and not an official said the who would not permit the use of his said the departments investigation of he death was halted and the results probably never reached top people in the Washington crash of a Continental air lines jetliner tuesday night marred commercial aviation most perfect safety Continental was the Only major Carrier never to have suffered a fatal Acci it has been operating for 28 and in that time flew More than 10 million Pas sengers 5 billion Washington House ways Means com Mittee tentatively approved a Bill today that would repeal tha 10 per cent tax on rail Road and bus Ravel and lower the a on airline effective next Algiers French troops battled secret army Oas gunmen with machine guns in downtown Algiers to at least two military policemen were wounded in a 10minule opera Singer ill new York Upp opera Singer Richard Tucker was re ported in fairly Good condition today at Long Island jewish hos where he was admitted tuesday suffering from physical a Continental airlines Jet crashed after apparently breaking up in he air near Here is the b up in we Billie Estes Marshall murdered says pathologist by William Clayton preliminary report by a pathologist indicated today that Henry h the agriculture offi Cial who first began checking Arm financier Billie sol Estes business was Joseph the pathologist who is directing the autopsy on marshalls said t appears he was shot once in he Back and four tunes from the Manley a funeral direct who had suspected murder instead of the official verdict of suicide when Marshall was found dead in a Field last june said there was evidence of other in there were indications that had been quite a Jones this had not been brought to there were sounds like blows from some Hing there were indications f body and facial there is no doubt in my mind hat Henry Marshall was Mur Fri on Case Texas rangers and the armed with the latest report from resumed their investigation of marshalls test phase of the mushrooming the autopsy was conducted tuesday to help a grand jury in the Case to Clear the air and find any if Here is with in John my chairman of tiie Senate investigations subcommittee which is now inquiring into tie Estes said he was not t All Republican National chairman William Miller said the Tenta Ive ruling by the pathologist Uris i emphasized the need of a Borough investigation of the we need a impartial and nonpolitical investigation of lie whole sorry matter who is Hurt by Miller sheriff Howard Stegall disagreed Vith Jachimczyk about Marshall being shot in the nine holes visible there were nine Bullet holes mainly visible in the Jahimczak said he assumed that Marshall was shot five times and iat four of the nine holes were made by bullets that went All the Vay through the body and came the bullets were never recon Stegall said the shirt that mar Hall wore had two holes in its he said two of the bullets i just have been nearly spent and did not have enough steam left to punch through the one of the holes is what causes the Stegall said threads around the Hole were pulled out in such a Way As to indicate an exit Jachimczyk said it was an entry widow relieved who hired a Pri vate investigator because she did not believe that her husband had killed was i Hope the truth has been found she i wanted to know the truth from the be Secretary of agriculture Orville Freeman said last week that Marshall took some of the secrets of the Estes Case to the grave with Marshall had heard months before his death that Estes was illegally buying Cotton allotments for his West Texas he began an i Vestiga at that Estes was a respected and rising Texas agriculture figure with an Empire Esti mated to be Worth Estes has since been indicted by Federal and state grand juries on charges of fraud and violating Texas antitrust he admits being million in a court appointed receiver is running his quells Senate Rumor Washington up Federal housing administrator Robert Weaver said tuesday he has no intention of running for senator from new York next aussies sending contingent of by oops of thai by Eugene Mcloughlin United press International Australia announced today it was sending a contingent of armed forces to help defend the threatened Borders of the anticipated for several coincided with a massive propaganda blast by three communist nations of Asia against the Landing of american troops in red China said the action posed a grave North Viet Nam said it May Lead to incalculably dangerous Conse North Korea recalled the ruinous fiasco of the korean australian defense minister sir Garfield Barwick said in Canberra that Lus country was taking action in pursuance of its obligations under the Southeast Asia treaty organization informs he said u acting Secre tary general of the United a was being com position of the contingent still is being worked he a similar announcement is sex from prime minister Keith Holyoake said tuesday his government had offered a Token c petted shortly new zealand it with a Jachimczyk said he hoped to 47 digit preparations were reporter fore Crews will add four such aircraft the to ctr cancelled All his eni finish his examination of the body to have picked up Pace As the oxygen to help Burn the kerosene Are part of the global air a engagements through Inland be Able to give the grand 63 flight time in void of sense and observation j eluding tour of Israel Ijuro a Complete report Washington president and Kennedy walk Back to the White House after the chief executive spoke to delegates to the 1962 conference for democratic women on the South Law Kennedy defended his administration against charges hat it s pushing too far into the lives of private in Man walking behind the Kennedy is up by George Brown Iowa up a Continental air Ines Jet Airliner crashed in a violent electrical storm tuesday one of the 45 persons aboard survived the rash but died later in a Nakano a Northwestern to n i v e Rosity student from was res cued Early today from the battered fuselage of the huge Boeing 707 where 44 others apparently died when the plane crashed in a Small Valley near 17 Miles South of Takehiko was rushed Here to App noose county Hospital but died a Short time the Missouri Highway patrol said the planes fuselage is piled in such a rubble that it was unlikely there were any other sur the fuselage of the Continentals flight bound from Chicago for los Angeles with a Stop at Kansas was discovered by a Farmer in a Muddy trapped in the wreck age for about eight was rescued after a searcher heard him scene of death the tiny Valley where the major part of the wreckage Lay was a scene of death littered with colourful vacation Type seats and other the with wings and Tail stripped off and its nose crushed appeared to have plummeted almost straight Down into the there were not More than feet of skid witnesses Iowa Highway patrol Dan Foster and patrolman John who flew Over the area in separate said they could see bodies scattered one and one half mile from the took Over an empty garage at about six Miles South of the spot where fuselage was for use As a it appeared plane had Dis integrated in with wreck age found All the Way from five Miles South of Centerville to Point where the fuselage was about 17 Miles South of this Iowa Terry who lives on the farm where the fuselage was said he heard a moan from the front part of the wreck age and pulled Takehiko Chrysler executives aboard three Chrysler executives attached to the firms Dodge i were aboard the they were identified by pry set officials in Detroit As Virgil manager of dealer finance Fot Dodge Roger Grosse assistant Dodge general sales and Fred a Dodge business Continentals flight 11 tools off from Chicago Ohare air port at Edt tuesday it was due to make a Stop in Kansas City before proceeding o los Fate inter heavy lightning and thunderstorms were reported in the Vicinity of and Farmers reported seeing a Bright Orange burst of Light about More than 700 searchers joined in the nigh Long Hunt for tha wreckage in an area of thick underbrush and Timber Between Centerville and mis Centerville is about 63 Miles Southeast of Des the plane carried 37 Passen Gers and a Crew there were indications it disintegrated in the scattering fragments Over a Broad area in clays son is wounded by Neil Sheehan South Viet Nam up Frank son of Lucius president Kennedy special Berlin was wounded today in action against communist a military spokesman said three other army offi cers also were wounded in tha same action on the rain of seeds in Kieng province 75 Miles Southwest of;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, May 23, 1962, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.