Dunkirk Evening Observer, Dec 21, 1954, p. 4 (2024)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, Dec 21, 1954, p. 4 (1)

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May 1, 1958, Page 6

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - December 21, 1954, Dunkirk-Fredonia, New York4 lit f 19m save fuel on water heating by draining the storage tank period if rust and sediment collect in the water Heater it slows up the heating action and increases the fuel draining the sediment from the Bottom of the tank periodically keeps things in Good working and heres another Thrift idea for open a Thrift Check account and pay All your Bills by any convenient amount opens your and your Only Cost is a few cents per no no charge for de and youll have your name imprinted on every Check at no extra other too Stop in right Lake Shore National Bank new York member Federal Dipo it incur tree corporation which each account up to open your account today on Choice of Northern Homes Fine Homes two Story 3 bedroom Hampton Jysk As Homes must be ordered for delivery by february Everett Potter phone 28171 12 Liberty Street what Are your needs observer show you where to get then 1 Xmas Sale in full swing in All come in and browse buy now and really save on furniture and appliances John Mackowak sons furniture and funeral service 266 Lake Shore East phone 8786 open evening City and Vicinity notice to aft9 customer living with in the City limits of Dunkirk who to receive Hii paper by a Call 6260 it will be delivered without no it Erica after f hates City Ficu it ing u 30c per line pet Imit Tiofio count to a minimum of a if paid in 3 Dayi on half sofa an exclusive selection of Fine from Andrews spec Salty registrar by Prince Gard removable photo card two Bill to just received another truck Road of Tappan you stil Haws get the new Tappan and have it installed before Christ it to Trade in allowance open evenings until Christmas West Sheridan 20 at Roberto phone Romeo pad and Pencil for the Home or have a wonderful selection of bedroom lamps in All colors from Andrews spec Salty Krolls have Black or Brown Gore Type 317 main Holiday in eluding satins and be the hat 331 main a gift that will be treasured for to you Are looking for individual styling in table we have Beautiful handcut Lead Crys Tal bases with hand wrinkle proof decorator Andrews specially Gay eos Nylon boots with Mouton reduced to Michaels 148 4th festive paper napkins and party clothes for the save work and add color u your Decora imprinted if you mourns books St 159 Temple indicates North oven in All steel at the High school girl on your White Wool Yard Long Scarf the Hal 331 main appliances Dean electric 13 third Gay festive wrapper Kochs Holiday brew order it now and the different just received another Trucl Load of Tappan you stil have time to get the new tap ran and have it installed before Christ up to Trade in allowance Odon evenings until Christmas West Sheridan 20 a1 Roberts phone mom and dad Krolls gift a miniature shoe with each gift 817 Maln n Hobby kit Complete Kiln and at Are invited to inspect a Fine showing of childrens books and religious books and pictures at Mclaren books 159 Fredonia phone styles in Little girls pal Cut or suede dress 317 main Good selection of Xmas cards and the special one you Are looking lavish your bedroom with decorative Charm Cabin crafts nce Locraft to Andrews speciality slip afford Lihe por that takes the Dunk out of pen Lostumo jewelry for Xmas priced at Only see our Large the hat 331 main at its Best when we handle your Richard insurance 91 4th Dunkirk 7614 pickup and delivery Regent cleaners East third Street next to Regent Sec Ooary has place for his cards and to in Cotton and 10 and 25 per cent size casual and Dressy Yle Holiday dresses in sizes u Ricky fashion main and Cowboy and 317 main your bedroom with decorative Charm Cabin crafts ice Lecraft to Andrews speciality Nylon fur trimmed 317 main brighten up your studio and Dave no Couch far Christmas in sol d Floral and modern is have a wonderful selection of bedroom lamps in All colors rom Andrews Alty rejuvenate your drapes and slipcovers with exclusive Swiss method electric ranges Dean 13 third specials Penneys clearance on All tricycles and games and Small toys 75 cents buggies with lift out body dolls and rid around Preclik Risemas blood Bank Falls Short the red Roii blood Bank monday collected 118 do blood against i goal of 1w one reason for the failure in cording to red Cress officials was the Success of the previous blood Mobile visit Here two weeks ago when 170 pints were people evidently thought that this time Bank would be just As Large a it was stat thus they did not bother Stop in to close to 40 persons volunteered ahead of time but failed to show it was another reason the Bank Short of its goal is the nearness of and the increased activity because of the site of the blood Bank was St Johns Guild sponsoring i were the combined rotary clubs o Dunkirk and Frederick executive Secretary of the Northern Chautauqua red Cross expressed his thanks to All those who As Well As those who worked on the Barber shops will be open on wednesday All Union Barber shops in Dun Kirk will be open wednesday afternoon until Oclock to accommodate customers before the the shops will also remain open until their regular closing time of Oclock thursday and Friday they will be closed saturday Christmas and Only this week the Barber shops be open wednesday after the shops will be closed As usual next wednesday afternoon Christmas scenes Are arranged by marys group the holy name societies of St marys Are participating again in the nationwide drive to emphasize the religious Observance of the christinas the senior holy name society has erected us annual replica of the nativity scene on the Monas Tery grounds in Washington Aye the entire including the was constructed by men of the this year the statues have been improved and and additional lights the men in charge of the project Are Thomas Crane construction of the Manger Thorn As statues Stephen Seku the Junior holy name society has constructed a chrysl Naii scene which is on display in the window of Roslyn pm store in the Lester the exhibit was made under the direction of Rob Ert chairman of the holy name youth lame Duck Wesley Lyons of Rochester did not seek reelection this year and his term on the governors Council expires tabbed lame Duck when he in he really got himself came to a recent state House peeling on crutches after break ing a City and Vicinity he gift be Prou Kom plastic playing cards Bridge and Mcclean Angora Tassel perfect Tor the h a t 331 main full size Royal port 50 with carrying Case pay just Mcclean you Are looking for individual styling in table we have Beautiful handcut lend Crys Tal bases with hand wrinkle proof decorator Andrews specially Nudo and Royal Blue Skyway wonderful new fashion and red poll Parrot Cowboy boots in sizes 6v4 to sizes 8vt to Michaels 148 fourth Dun new Parker Jotter other Jotters and Meol Nathans radios Dean Klei Hryc 13 third sets for Home or 5 sets with paper mate pens and omens lambs Wool lined House and 317 main candles in two Siz 35c and 40c Motlena Luggage in 2 suiters companion in suntan and Mcclen a sofa an exclusive selection of Fine pillows rom Andrews spec Salty ladies but folds by Rolfs in 8 fashion so that it appliances Dean electric 13 think largest White and Eaton and Many new and Mcclean it a Parade of found u tie City truck and Auto collide this morning damage w tha end of a driven by to of Maple ave was sustained this morning at Oclock m the re sult of a a City elec tric department pickup truck at West second and Robin Dunkirk police Learned ran Dall was going went while the tick up driven by Fred Duve 84 West second was approaching the intersection South in Robin on reaching the Duvelow halted anti t h c j started into the noticing the Randall oar approach be applied his brakes and Randall also applied his brakes but went into a skid and struck the left bumper of the his car then veered off and crashed into a Telephone pole at the the Randall car waa considers Bly damaged and had to be Lowed there was no damage to the Mcarthy Story Heads top 10 in up poll new York army Mccarthy bearings Quant condemnation of the Wisconsin senator by his colleagues headed the list of the 10 biggest news stories of 1954 chosen today by Edi tors of the United the other stories in the 10 blur gust list were the shooting of five Congress men in the House of represent peace in including the fall of Dien Blen Phu and the Geneva democrats win control of the House and Senate in the of year supreme court outlaws Segre gallon of negroes in nations nine Power London pact gives sovereignty a0d arms to Western atomic including adoption of president Eisen Howers atoms Oreace plan by United nations general bomb tests in the and resulting radioactive injuries to far Distant communist toehold in Guate first in Western Roger Bannister Breaks four minute of Samuel Sheppard for murder of his other big stories of the year included illness of Pope Pius Xii suicide of president Vargas of Bra Zil exposure of corruption in Phe Nix three hurricanes on the East coast air plane crash of author Ernest Hemingway in Afri Ca explosions on Carrier Benning ton kill 99 giants win world series in four straight from Cleveland indians suspension of Oppen Heimer for Security reasons Settle ment of the Trieste question con Gressional investigation of scandals in the housing administration death of Emilie Dionne f the famous quintuplets and Robert Youngs successful fight for control of the new York Central rail Road cars damaged in collision at traffic Light automobiles driven by Ronald and Mary William were considerably dam aged in collision Here monday Jopek had stopped for the traffic Light at Lake Shore and serval Street when his car was struck in the rear by the one operated by she resides in East Lake Road Jook at 396 Lake Shore one was Flanders in talk on Mccarthy Ralph Flanders told a Home state television audience Mon Day night that the split rep Tou can vote on censuring Joseph Mccarthy the need for rebuilding the Republican party along More Liberal who initiated censure action against the Wisconsin re repeated his charge that Mccarthy methods paralleled hit but he said he doubted Carthy has the same he said Mccarthy proved he was More interested in headlines than fighting communism when he investigated the promotion and charge of Irving Peres Flanders said Mccarthy could have obtained the whole by summoning the Board which approved the discharge rather than summoning Ralph z the Senate voted to censure Mccarthy on three counts but jacked a motion to censure him or insulting who re used to violate Security in his testimony at the widely publicized War polio victim Dies Schenectady up a 26 year old korean War Veteran from Amsterdam died of polio in City Hospital one week after being he was identified As Vedder listed As Mont Gomery county third polio death his covers the dystrophy workers Send Check a Check for representing the combined and Fredo Nia contribution to the muscular dystrophy was sent to the National mad Headquarters in new York City Clifford general chair Man of the drive in which reached its Peak 29 when a house4ohouse canvass was reported that the amount of the Check was broken Down As follows amount received in Dunkirk House House can Takeji in at Dunkirk fire headquarter since the Date of the House House can amount received in fredonia8 House House Ca the total of Check does not include additional donations received at fre Tonias fire Claude Fredonia chair and Bruce assistant stated that they will tabulate the additional donations later this week and Forward them to the new head Quad also excluded the local total the numerous donations sent directly National head quarters by acting postmaster Ignatius Fafinski stated this morning that at least 400 muscular dystrophy envelopes were forwarded from Dunkirk to new the Money in the 400 envelopes will be tabulated and added to the Fredonia con Complete figures for this area will not be available until Early next letter Volunteer fire paid fire and Mem Bers of the women fire auxiliary worked in Harmony to secure the Success of the local Cornielius Weimer died 011 sunday Cornelius a former res ident of Deer died sunday in Cleveland at the age of Weimer was born in surviving Are three Robert Culp and Guy Weimer of and Rae Weimer of Chicago a Edward Weimer of Sheridan two Guy Thomas and James Verhage of thousands who profit by using observer classified 7777 naval Reserve exams Given examine Tom Tot members of organized surface vision naval were conducted monday evening during i Drill meeting at the naval militia the issued Oftle every six months by the of were conducted by the naval Reserve training Center under the direction of Walter will be sued within two seven members took examinations to Advance from Seamana Prentice to Seaman they Are lit key John and l6 Seph Seaman recruits Alu Thony Mai Trio i and aft iils seek promotions to Seaman seamen Grilii Flat and Nagel took Tor Diomara third class White Tifis to Boatswain male third a Lii were sought by seamen Donald Ana prank others taking Jer promotions ire Jeffrey Nell from Boatswain mate third class to second class Johns Al quartermaster see fld Altif to first class James Joseph Guild front Seaman dispersing and Raymonld Centner from engine aft class to engine Man remember december Lay away Xmas gifts today and your old Shaver Sunbeam Schick Remington Gorelco service Cail us Fuu remember dad 011 Christmas with the gift he won forget Florsheim shoes for we have his size card if he has bought shoes a Florsheim gift certificate will solve the size problem dad Debarres the Roost a Elul gift you can think what Florsheim shoes Are to most men the gift that pleases and wears Flo Sheira shoes Are Here for you to give dad a Florsheim gift certificate and let inf choose his own give a Al Florsheim Fredonia expert xray pitting stores conveniently located in Silver Creek Dunkirk;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, Dec 21, 1954, p. 4 (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.