Wie motiviert man Erwachsene zum Lernen? (2024)

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Erkennen und belohnen Sie Ihre Lernenden


Hier ist, was Sie sonst noch beachten sollten

Erwachsene zum Lernen zu motivieren, ist eine Herausforderung, der sich viele Lehrer stellen müssen, sei es in formellen oder informellen Umgebungen. Erwachsene haben andere Bedürfnisse, Ziele und Vorlieben als jüngere Lernende, und sie können mit verschiedenen Lernhindernissen konfrontiert sein, z. B. Zeit, Geld oder Selbstvertrauen. Wie können Sie Lernerfahrungen entwerfen und bereitstellen, die erwachsene Lernende ansprechen und inspirieren? Hier sind einige Prinzipien des Instruktionsdesigns, die Ihnen helfen können, effektives und motivierendes Lernen für Erwachsene zu schaffen.

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  • Wie motiviert man Erwachsene zum Lernen? (3) 2

  • Tim Baker Principal Legal Recruiter (Ireland / UK) | B.V.C., LL.B. | (Bilingual - Eng/Spa) | Helping Legal Professionals Achieve…

    Wie motiviert man Erwachsene zum Lernen? (5) 6

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Wie motiviert man Erwachsene zum Lernen? (8) Wie motiviert man Erwachsene zum Lernen? (9) Wie motiviert man Erwachsene zum Lernen? (10)

1 Kennen Sie Ihre Zielgruppe

Bevor Sie Ihre Lernziele, Inhalte und Aktivitäten planen, müssen Sie verstehen, wer Ihre erwachsenen Lernenden sind, was sie lernen möchten und warum sie es lernen möchten. Sie können verschiedene Methoden verwenden, um Informationen über Ihre Zielgruppe zu sammeln, z. B. Umfragen, Interviews, Fokusgruppen oder Vortests. Sie können auch Lerner-Personas verwenden, um realistische Profile Ihrer typischen Lernenden zu erstellen, basierend auf ihren demografischen Merkmalen, Motivationen, Herausforderungen und Erwartungen. Wenn Sie Ihre Zielgruppe kennen, können Sie Ihr Lernen auf ihre Bedürfnisse und Interessen abstimmen und potenzielle Hindernisse oder Missverständnisse ausräumen.

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  • Everton Drohomeretski, PhD Pró-Reitor de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão na FAE Centro Universitário
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    A major challenge in teaching adults is engagement, here are some ways to involve adults in Higher Education: - demonstrate the applicability of the contents; - carry out practical projects with real application; - demonstrate other skills such as teamwork and problem solving during projects,- make oral presentations that simulate practices in the world of work.


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  • Rebecca Fegan Be your own best teacher
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    If you can identify the pain and deliver a solution, they'll be more apt to learn. If your content does not solve a problem and cannot materially (meaning visibly) change their lives for the better, why would they need this information? In fact, if your content does not solve a problem and make a difference, why are you teaching it?


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  • Marjorie Archer School Administrator | Passionate Learning Facilitator | Leadership Developer | Coach | Staff Developer | Innovative Educator | Experienced Curriculum Curator | Lifelong Learner
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    All learners have intrinsic and extrinsic motivators whether they are children or adults. It’s critical to tap into these motivators to get your learners engaged with the content. One added benefit with adults is the desire to make more money or advance in their profession. But these alone won’t create authentic engagement. Finding a balance between the internal and external is key. Does the content inspire them, as well as provide a path for advancement? If the activities can be designed to reach both of these, the audience will be fully engaged.


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  • Terri Krupp Shepherding high performing Christian women to live a Honeymoon life with their husbands
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    Finding a students internal motivator has always been a passion of mine. For adults it is truly the only way to help them want to learn. While I am a passionate life long learner, I see in many adults a resistance to change or grow. It breaks my heart when women tell me they had to abandon their career goals because they could not "get Chemistry or Math." Sometimes the reluctance to facing new information is a past bad experience.Helping an adult find the freedom to believe in themselves and accept the challenge is key.I build from the fact that learning is natural and we do it everyday; or we die.Then I get on the journey of learning with the pupil. Enjoying the highs and lows along with them.Happy Learning!


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  • Yarivan Khoshawe Englisch Supervisorin für die Qualitätssicherungsabteilung der WISE Private School
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    Motivating adults to learn involves tailoring approaches to their unique needs and interests. First, establish clear goals that resonate with their aspirations and career progression. Emphasize the practical benefits of new knowledge and skills such as increased job opportunities or personal growth. Utilize diverse and interactive learning formats like workshops, online courses or peer discussion groups to cater to different learning styles. Recognize and celebrate their achievements to boost self-confidence. Foster a supportive community that encourages collaboration and shared learning experiences. Creating a positive and empowering learning environment will inspire adults to embrace continuous learning as a fulfilling lifelong journey.


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2 Verwenden Sie relevante und aussagekräftige Inhalte

Erwachsene sind eher motiviert zu lernen, wenn sie die Relevanz und den Wert des Inhalts für ihre persönlichen oder beruflichen Ziele erkennen. Sie wollen Dinge lernen, die ihnen helfen können, Probleme zu lösen, ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern oder ihre Karriere voranzutreiben. Daher sollten Sie Inhalte auswählen, die auf die Bedürfnisse und Ziele Ihrer Lernenden abgestimmt sind und auf ihre realen Situationen anwendbar sind. Sie sollten auch Beispiele, Fallstudien, Geschichten oder Szenarien verwenden, die veranschaulichen, wie die Inhalte in der Praxis eingesetzt werden können, und die den Kontext und die Erfahrungen der Lernenden widerspiegeln.

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    Your learners should say "that's me" not "so what?"... For every principle or theoretical topic, try to explain it in contextual terms specific to the learner. If I were talking about mindfulness based stress reduction to a firefighter I'd say: imagine you've been up all night on a 24 hour shift as suddenly the alarm goes off - your stomach drops... If I were teaching it to a high schooler I'd say, imagine the speaker comes on and says "please report to the principal's office" - your stomach drops...


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  • Tim Baker Principal Legal Recruiter (Ireland / UK) | B.V.C., LL.B. | (Bilingual - Eng/Spa) | Helping Legal Professionals Achieve Their Potential
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    This is 100% accurate and necessary. The more students, of all ages, can connect what they are learning with their daily life, the more use they will feel they are getting from the course of study. Making your course materials relevant to the local culture, the professional or personal situations of the students, where possible, is the key to unlocking their enthusiasm and ensuring engagement throughout.


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  • Alexander Woods Sr Software Engineer at ProMiles Software Development Corporation
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    Being able to convey a concept in a way that connects with the student is critical. It is much easier for a student to grasp a concept when it is presented in a scenario that makes sense to them, especially when that scenario aligns with their motivation to learn the content. Being able to tailor your teaching to what is important and relevant to the student makes the learning process exponentially easier. When we are teaching a new concept, it is important to craft it in a way the correlates to the student's situation and goals, showing how this skill is applicable to them in real-world examples, and giving them practice cases that tie their existing knowledge into the new concept.


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  • Amanda Ray Educator and Advocate
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    Few adult learners will be invested in the content if it has no personal relevance to their own goals. The essential and perhaps foremost difference between young learners and adult learners(young adult learners included!) is this idea that autonomy equals investment. By knowing your audience, you as the instructor can adjust the objectives of your content to the goals that the learners have for themselves. From those goals, you as the expert can design the relevant content. Allow for some flexibility, as in any classroom setting, to let the students choose the topics that interest them the most. Draw upon their direct input, in addition to pre-defined needs, to dictate the practical applications to their learning.


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3 Bieten Sie Auswahl und Autonomie

Erwachsene sind selbstgesteuerte Lernende, die die Kontrolle über ihr eigenes Lernen haben wollen. Sie wollen wählen, was, wann, wie und wo sie lernen, je nach ihren Vorlieben und Umständen. Sie können Ihren erwachsenen Lernenden Wahlmöglichkeiten und Autonomie bieten, indem Sie ihnen verschiedene Optionen für den Zugriff auf die Inhalte anbieten, z. B. online oder offline, synchron oder asynchron oder im eigenen Tempo oder unter Anleitung des Lehrers. Sie können ihnen auch eine gewisse Flexibilität bei der Auswahl der Themen, Aktivitäten oder Bewertungen geben, die zu ihrem Lernstil und ihren Zielen passen. Sie können sie auch ermutigen, sich ihre eigenen Lernziele zu setzen und ihren eigenen Fortschritt und ihre Leistung zu überwachen.

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    Educators must embrace a sensitivity towards varying learning styles, ensuring that instructional strategies are flexible and adaptable. Promoting collaborative approaches that encourage learners to actively participate in shaping their educational journey can significantly enhance their engagement and motivation. Granting learners autonomy in developing aspects of their learning path empowers them to take ownership of their learning, fostering a deeper sense of commitment and investment in their education. By embracing this approach, educators can lay the foundation for a truly student-centered and transformative learning experience.


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  • nora mueller Visual Arts Educator
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    The art of teaching is precisely teetering on the line of mastery and challenge. As we know, this can be different for each learner. By allowing them to be in about 65-75% control of their experience they will essentially identify where this line resides for themselves and then the teacher becomes more mentor less director.


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  • William Lima Transformando Negócios Legados em Líderes de Inovação | Especialista em Estratégia de Inovação | Planejamento Estratégico | Eventos de Negócio
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    Adaptability and resilience fuel a lifelong learning mindset in adults. By embracing change, overcoming challenges, and seeking opportunities, they expand their knowledge and skills. Flexible learning approaches, learning from failure, and adapting to rapid changes are vital. Embracing diverse perspectives enhances growth. With these qualities, adults can learn more and thrive in an ever-changing world.


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4 Fördern Sie Interaktion und Zusammenarbeit

Die Erwachsenen lernen sowohl voneinander als auch vom Lehrer. Sie profitieren davon, ihre Ideen, Meinungen, Erfahrungen und ihr Feedback mit ihren Kollegen und Mentoren zu teilen. Interaktion und Zusammenarbeit können das Engagement, die Motivation und die Bindung erwachsener Lernender erhöhen sowie ihre sozialen und kommunikativen Fähigkeiten verbessern. Sie können die Interaktion und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ihren erwachsenen Lernenden fördern, indem Sie verschiedene Strategien anwenden, z. B. Gruppenarbeit, Diskussionen, Debatten, Peer-Review oder Mentoring. Sie können auch Online-Tools wie Foren, Chats, Blogs oder Wikis verwenden, um die Online-Kommunikation und -Zusammenarbeit zu erleichtern.

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  • Rebecca Fegan Be your own best teacher
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    Once the information is learned and the skills improved, working with a group deepens the understanding and widens the perspective. How many adults are learning because they have to take a test? How many are learning to change career?How many are working on a promotion? Working in collaboration with people of diverse backgrounds is invaluable!


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  • nora mueller Visual Arts Educator
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    Social interaction will change the dynamics of your learning environment instantly. When thoughtfully designed, a positive or simply engaging social experience within a learning space will reduce stress and ideally, contribute to joy and connection which then opens up brain pathways not available with out! Any range of design, partner/team/small groups will produce a different reaction and provide additional insight and understanding for your learners.


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5 Unterstützen und fordern Sie Ihre Lernenden

Erwachsene brauchen Unterstützung und Anleitung, um ihre Lernherausforderungen zu meistern und ihre Lernergebnisse zu erreichen. Sie brauchen auch Herausforderung und Anregung, um ihr Interesse und ihre Neugier am Leben zu erhalten. Sie können Ihre erwachsenen Lernenden unterstützen und fordern, indem Sie ihnen klare Anweisungen, Erwartungen und Feedback geben. Sie können auch Gerüsttechniken wie Modellieren, Coaching oder Aufforderungen verwenden, um ihnen zu helfen, neue Fähigkeiten oder Konzepte zu erlernen. Sie können auch Differenzierungstechniken anwenden, z. B. den Schwierigkeitsgrad, das Tempo oder die Komplexität der Inhalte oder Aktivitäten variieren, um den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen und Fähigkeiten Ihrer Lernenden gerecht zu werden.

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    Providing time, questions, and activities that stimulate conversation and sharing, while stretching preconceived thoughts is a way to support and challenge learners. Creating groups that move, discuss, and reintegrate ensures that different voices are heard, which creates space for not only support but also challenging of ideas.


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    I recommend application focused coaching for 4-8 weeks following any training or learning experience. That is essential to integrate the learning into learners lives to create sustained implementation (rather than the classic one-off, flash-in-the-pan training initiative).


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6 Erkennen und belohnen Sie Ihre Lernenden

Erwachsene brauchen Anerkennung und Belohnung für ihre Lernbemühungen und -leistungen. Sie möchten sich für ihre Beiträge und Leistungen geschätzt, geschätzt und respektiert fühlen. Anerkennung und Belohnung können das Selbstwertgefühl, das Selbstvertrauen und die Motivation erwachsener Lernender steigern und ihr Lernen stärken. Sie können Ihre erwachsenen Lernenden anerkennen und belohnen, indem Sie verschiedene Methoden anwenden, z. B. verbales Lob, Zertifikate, Abzeichen, Punkte oder Boni. Sie können auch Gamification-Elemente wie Levels, Bestenlisten oder Herausforderungen verwenden, um Ihrem Lernen Spaß und Spannung zu verleihen.

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  • Dr. VILAS MORE ASSISTANT PROFESSOr, Principal in-charge, Head of of Food product
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    We can introduce learning policy, created by government, for adults because central assembly has different learning programs such as 'Food Safety And Standard Authority Programs, which support to achieve their business goals, and adult learners always believe on national policy.


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7 Hier ist, was Sie sonst noch beachten sollten

Dies ist ein Ort, an dem Sie Beispiele, Geschichten oder Erkenntnisse teilen können, die in keinen der vorherigen Abschnitte passen. Was möchten Sie noch hinzufügen?

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  • Veronika Mervart Online education strategist. I help online educators package and sell their expertise so they can grow their income and impact without limits
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    In my experience, adult learners often carry a suitcase filled with self-doubt. Unpacking this luggage isn't about heavy lifting, but rather, sifting through the stories they're telling themselves. How to handle this baggage? First, conduct deep interviews to discover the common monsters lurking within. Once you know what beasts you're battling, shine a light on them and reveal their true nature – nothing but limiting beliefs. Then, by weaving self-assessments and guided reflection into the curriculum, you don't just move the suitcase – you help them repack it with evidence of progress. After all, they're not just carrying their past; they're packing for a smarter, more capable future.


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  • Katessa Harkey Transhumanist Philosopher - Editor - Publishing Layouts - Short Project A/V Design
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    The most important aspect of adult learning is that it must be hands-on or there will be no retention. That means the goal must have some kind of real-world application. Even academic subjects must be related back to experience and application. This can be simulated with group discussion, writing exercises that "might" appear in print (e.g. a book review for publication), a short film... Get creative!The students need to use the information in order to retain it.


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  • Maroun Nammour, CPA VP of Operations and CPA instructor at Farhat Accounting Lectures


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    In the world of education, the "Use It or Lose It" principle reigns supreme. Backed by cognitive psychology, it emphasizes that active engagement and application are key to retaining knowledge. When students actively use information, neural connections strengthen, ensuring better recall over time. Educators leverage this principle through active learning, real-world context, spaced repetition, peer teaching, continuous assessment, projects, and reflective practice. By embracing "Use It or Lose It," teachers empower students to learn deeply and apply knowledge effectively, creating a foundation for lifelong learning success.


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  • James Walker Learn, teach, build
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    Validate their existing experience.Invite adult learners to contribute their unique perspectives to course discussions. Some adult learners are motivated by the opportunity to share their knowledge and skill, add value, and receive affirmation that they are a peer to the instructor and other participants. Everyone has something to teach.


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  • Ana Jovic PhD(c). ELT Professional. Researcher. English and Serbian Teacher. Native Speakerism-Buster. Equity Advocate. Heritage Language Advocate.
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    In my experience, adult learners appreciate a teacher's honest interest in what they want to share or discuss. Active listening is helpful here. By caring about what students say and building from that, students feel respected and included, which makes them even more willing to participate. This boosts student engagement, which leads to smoother language acquisition and production.


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Wie motiviert man Erwachsene zum Lernen? (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.